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Encounter Report
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The clinical encounter report can be run individually for a client in the client record by clicking Encounter Report. The encounter report can display a number of clinical data elements showing a clients current and prior test, immunization, and diagnosis history.


Follow the instructions below to create the encounter report for a client:


  1. Open the client record.

  2. Click Encounter Report.

  3. Click Edit.

  4. Select the Visit Date.

  5. Select a clinical data element for each position to be included in the report.

  6. Click Save.


Visit Date – The listed dates are encounter dates when the client had clinical information entered.



This Provider Only – Checking this box excludes shared data from other providers.


Position – These are selected clinical data element like immunizations, labs, screenings, case notes, medications, services, referrals, vital signs, or diagnosis records included in a clinical encounter.


Once the selections are made and saved, the encounter report can be run by clicking Run or it can be exported as a PDF.



The encounter report can include client information displayed in a grid format. Select one of the data elements with grid included in the name to include that in the report.


Additional grids can be added to the list by following these instructions:


  1. Click Grid Setup.

  2. Click Add.

  3. Enter a Grid Name.

  4. Enter the Number of Days.

  5. Click Save.

  6. Click the Grid Name to highlight it.

  7. Click Edit Columns.

  8. Click Add.

  9. Select a Column Name.

  10. Click Save.


Once the columns are added to the grid it is ready to be added to a position in an encounter report.


Number of Days – This is the date span the report will run for the date element selected. It displays that many days prior to the Visit Date selected when running the encounter report.

Column Name – The columns are clinical data elements from Clinical Encounter Setup. These include HRSA defined elements like CD4 Count and also custom data elements the provider created for internal reporting purposes.

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