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Home > Data Management > Client By Client Sharing
Client By Client Sharing
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Client by Client Sharing allows Providers to select specific clients active in both providers to have shared records displayed. Once Client By Client Sharing is enabled for a provider under Provider Setup sharing requests appear in the client record for the data type shared between those providers.












To review Sharing Requests follow these instructions:

  1. Go to the Show to Provider.
  2. Click Find Client.
  3. Enter search criteria.
  4. Click the client in the search results.
  5. Click View Details.
  6. Click Sharing Requests.


























  1. Click an incoming or outgoing sharing request.






If Automatic is listed under Notes, the sharing request is automatically granted. This typically occurs when Provider By Provider Sharing was set for the providers.






If No request made is listed in Notes, a user can initiate the request by selecting that Provider and clicking Add.









If Pending is listed in Notes, the Sharing Provider needs to accept the request under Incoming Requests for that client.






The Incoming Sharing Request can be accepted by following these instructions:

  1. Click the Pending request.
  2. Click Edit.
  3. Select the Status Label (Denied, Granted, or Pending).
  4. Click Save.










Once the Incoming Sharing Request is granted, the shared records appear in the client record for the Sharing Provider.


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