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EHE Triannual Report
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The EHE Triannual Report in CAREWare generates the contract data to be uploaded to the Grantee Contract Management System (GCMS). The EHE Triannual Report includes clients who received RWHAP or EHE Initiative-funded services. The EHE Triannual Report adheres to the guidelines outlined in the EHE Triannual Report Instruction Manual, which can be reviewed here.

Follow these instructions to generate the EHE Triannual Report in CAREWare:

  1. Click Reports.
  2. Click EHE Triannual Report.

  1. Select the Report Year.
  2. Select the Trimester.
  3. Select the Provider Name (If running the report in Central Administration).

  1. Click Run.

  1. Click View Report.

View Client List – Produces a list of Total Clients for the row highlighted when clicked.

# of New Clients – Clients who received their first service during this trimester.

# of Existing Clients – Clients who received a service during this trimester and had a service during the prior year.

Total Clients – Clients who received an RWHAP- or EHE Initiative-funded service during the reporting period; this total can include clients who did not receive a service in the prior year.

Clients can be reviewed using the Realtime lookup list by following these instructions:

  1. Click a Service Category to highlight it.
  2. Click View Client List.

  1. Select a Client.
  2. Click Go To Client.

Each client reviewed is marked as Viewed in the list.

The results of the EHE Triannual Report can be exported by following these instructions:

  1. At the View Report screen, click Print or Export.

  1. Click CSV Export (All Pages).

The EHE Triannual Report results are now in the download folder.

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