Central Client Merge includes two options to identify clients that may be duplicates, Browse Ranked Matches and Browser Client List. Browse Ranked Matches uses the Client Matching Setup settings to score clients determining how close clients match. Contact the CAREWare Help Desk for more information about the Client Matching Setup feature.
The matches appear next to each other for comparison with a score showing how close of a match they are.
To use the Browse Ranked Matches option to add clients to the merge client list, follow these instructions:
- Log into Central Administration.
- Click Administrative Options.
- Click Data Oversight.
- Click Client Merge.
- Click Browse Ranked Matches.
- Click a matched pair.
- Click Flag as Duplicate.
Once the records are flagged as duplicates, the records are added to the Merge Client list and excluded from the Browse Ranked Matches list.
Flag Not as Duplicate – Removes the scored client records from the Browse Ranked Matches list setting them as no longer linked or flagged as duplicates.
Score All Clients – Recalculates the Browse Ranked Matches list using the current Client Matching Setup settings and current client list. This may be necessary if a large number of clients were added to CAREWare since the last time the CAREWare Business Tier service was restarted or changes have been made to the Client Matching Setup settings.