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The HOPWA module includes the HOPWA contract, services, custom service fields, and a custom subform that the users can use to enter information for household beneficiaries. There is also a My Reports feature that users can use to store and run HOPWA reports to keep track of all HOPWA services entered through CAREWare.


Enabling HOPWA

In order to access the HOPWA module, the HOPWA module needs to be enabled and users need necessary permissions. HOPWA can be enabled and its reports run in either Central Administration or the provider.


Follow these instructions to enable HOPWA:


  1. Click Administrative Options.

  2. Click HOPWA Setup.

  3. Select the Provider.

  4. Click Manage Selected.

  5. Click Activate HOPWA.



Once enabled, the HOPWA module setup information is added to CAREWare, including a HOPWA contract with active HOPWA subservices.


Permissions important for users related to the HOPWA module include permissions for service and contract setup, reports, and custom fields. Users need the permission Run Sponsored Custom Fields Wizard granted in order for the HOPWA Setup option to appear. Here are instructions for updating permissions for users.


The new permission for the HOPWA Module is Edit any My Report. In addition to that permission, users need at least one of the following permissions Run Custom Report, Run Financial Report, or Run Performance Measure Reports to access My Reports.



When HOPWA is enabled, CAREWare automatically creates a HOPWA contract, funding source, contract item, and all available pre-defined HOPWA services for that HOPWA contract. It also generates a custom subform labeled Household Beneficiaries.


Once HOPWA services are entered for clients, the user cannot disable HOPWA until those services are deleted.


HOPWA Contract

The HOPWA contract, contract funding, and contract item are all labeled HOPWA when first created. The user can edit the contract name and contract item name, however the funding source must remain the same. The HOPWA contract lacks a contract date span for this contract. Users can enter in a date span and/or create another HOPWA contract with a date span. The HOPWA services are subservices of the Non Care Act services service category.


The pre-defined HOPWA services are:


  • H STRMU Enrollment

  • H STRMU Update

  • H STRMU Exit

  • H TBRA Enrollment

  • H TBRA Update

  • H TBRA Exit

  • H Permanent Facility Enrollment

  • H Permanent Facility Update

  • H Permanent Facility Exit

  • H Transitional Facility Enrollment

  • H Transitional Facility Update

  • H Transitional Facility Exit

  • H CF Permanent Facility Enrollment

  • H CF Permanent Facility Exit





Household Beneficiaries Subform

In order to add client’s beneficiaries' records, a custom subform is created when HOPWA is enabled. The subform is labeled Household Beneficiaries. In this form, the user can add the client’s beneficiaries' names, races, ethnicities, and any notes, along with the entry dates.




Adding HOPWA Services

Adding HOPWA services uses the same methodology as adding any service in CAREWare. Here are instructions for adding services. The user selects the client with the client find feature in CAREWare and then clicks Service. The user may want to have certain HOPWA services precede others. For instance, the user may want to add an enrollment service first, then an update service, then exit. Each service has its own custom controls.



My Reports

The HOPWA module includes a new report features called My Reports. Users can save report settings in this single list to easily access reports for HOPWA records.



Clicking a report and then Run opens the financial report with the same settings as they were saved. Filtering a financial report by the HOPWA funding source generates a count of clients and service units for HOPWA.



For additional instructions for My Reports click here.









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