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HL7 Immunization Specification
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The purpose of this document is to outline how CAREWare imports immunization records through the HL7 feed interface.   Currently the design is for a results-only interface.  This document focuses on items that are required for immunization import through HL7.  These key items include the addition of new indexes to the CAREWare interface, CAREWare immunization fields, the HL7-designated segment that holds the immunization record, and the parsing of the segment for processing.  


There are new indexes on the interface that activate the immunization imports.  These indexes will be labeled “IMM_Map_Provider”, “IMM_Map_Client”, and “IMM_Process_Records.  The “IMM_Map_Provider” index allows CAREWare to choose in which provider to look for the patient record where the data should go. The “IMM_Map_Client” index allows CAREWare to choose which CAREWare patient to link the data to.  The “IMM_Process_Records” index processes all mappings to translate the incoming record to the patient record in CAREWare.


CAREWare has seven fields that make up an immunization record. Five of these fields are mandatory and two are optional.


Table 1.0 - CAREWare Immunization Fields  


CAREWare Field Description Comments
Primary/Alternate Provider ID Key to the CAREWare provider Established in Map Provider Index Processing
Primary/Alternate Client ID Key to the CAREWare patient Established in Map Client Index Processing
Immunization Key to the CAREWare Immunization definition Incoming record needs to be mapped to a CAREWare immunization definition.
Immunization Date Date of immunization  
Immunization Received Key to tell CAREWare that immunization was given. If user does not specify a mapping for this value, the default value returned is yes.
Immunization History Key to tell CAREWare the immunization history Optional field. CAREWare will leave blank if not specified.
Immunization Action Sets the CAREWare action for the immunization Possible actions are Add, Update, or Delete


How CAREWare processes an HL7 message 


Once the HL7 indexes are set to active, CAREWare attempts to parse the incoming HL7 message into document stubs for processing.  It is important to activate all three indexes for a particular import in order to get the data imported.  CAREWare determines whether the message is a valid import record by looking at the MSH 9 for the message type and MSH 9.1 for the trigger event.  If the message type and trigger event match a message type and trigger event pair from a pre-defined list of possible importable messages, CAREWare parses the incoming file.  The MSH specifications can be found in table 1.1.   During parsing, CAREWare sets the primary provider and client values based on the settings the user has set.


CAREWare will also split the messages into multiple document stubs if more than one PID segment exists in the message.  The PID specifications can be found in table 1.2.  CAREWare splits multiple RXA segments into individual document stubs as well. See Table 1.3 for RXA segment specifications. This is done so that it a single record for an individual client is processed independently.  Once the document stubs are created, they will have a starting status of “Map Provider.”


Map Provider Index

This index is used to match the provider ID (MSH 5) to a domain in CAREWare.  CAREWare creates a mapping record if none exists and deletes the messages if the mappings are incomplete or the activation code is not entered.  If a mapping is complete and an activation code is entered for the domain, CAREWare proceeds to update the status to Map Client.  The Lab Test Mapping Tool’s Map Provider form lists out all provider mappings.  The Lab Test Mapping Tool can only be accessed in the Central Administration domain.  It is located in the Administrative Options Menu in the upper right hand corner.  The Map Provider records indicate whether they are active or inactive.  Active means that an activation code has already been registered by CAREWare.  There are no field mappings for this index.  The activation code will be generated by jProg and will be sent out when the site sends a request for one.  The site must know the value in MSH 5 in order for jProg to create the activation code. 

Map Client Index

This index processes client matching using the matching criteria set in the provider mappings.  If the patient record matches the HL7 value and meets the threshold, then it will be updated to Process Records.  If it doesn’t match or does not meet the threshold, the HL7 document stub will be deleted.  

Process Records Index 

Once CAREWare extracts the data necessary for an import, it then attempts to import this data as the patient record.  For immunizations, the designated segment that holds the immunization record is the RXA segment.  See Table 1.3 for specifications.

Before the incoming record can be imported as a patient record, CAREWare has to do a lookup.  The purpose of the lookup is to determine if there’s an existing immunization record already present in CAREWare for a particular patient.  This lookup is based on the immunization date, immunization definition, the patient, and the domain in which the patient resides.  If there is a record that matches the date and definition already in CAREWare, it updates the record with the incoming data regardless of the message type, trigger event, or action code.  If it does not find a record, it treats it as a new record unless the action code is a delete action.  If a delete action is set and there’s an immunization record found during lookup, the CAREWare record will be deleted.


Table 1.1 - MSH Specifications for HL7 socket interface 


SEQ LEN OPT ELEMENT NAME CAREWare Field Required For Import Comments
1 1 R Field Separator   Yes Use to know what delimiter to use to separate components when parsing.
2 4 R Encoding Characters   Yes  
3 180 O Sending Application   Yes Used in conjunction with MSH 5 to ensure that unique provider mapping record. CAREWare uses this value to determine where the data originated from.
4 180 O Sending Facility   No User can set to this value instead of MSH 3.
5 180 O Receiving Application Alternate Provider ID Yes User can set to this value instead of MSH 5. If user sets this as the default patient identifier, this value will override the value MSH 6. If this is set as the alternate value, it will override MSH 6 if MSH 6 is empty.
6 180 O Receiving Facility Primary Provider ID No Used in conjunction with MSH 3 to create a unique provider mapping record. CAREWare uses this value to link to a CAREWare provider. jProg will need this value to create an activation code.
7 26 O Date/Time Of Message   No  
8 40 O Security   No  
9 7 R Message Type   Yes CAREWare will use this field to determine the message type and trigger event. Message type will be in MSH 9.0 and trigger event will be in MSH 9.1
10 20 R Message Control ID   No  
11 3 R Processing ID   No  
12 8 R Version ID   No  
13 15 O Sequence Number   No  
14 180 O Continuation Pointer   No  
15 2 O Accept Acknowledgment Type   No  
16 2 O Application Acknowledgment Type   No  
17 2 O Country Code   No  
18 6 O Character Set   No  
19 60 O Principal Language Of Message   No  


Table 1.2 - PID Specifications for HL7 Socket Interface 

SEQ LEN OPT ELEMENT NAME CAREWare Field Required For Import Comments
1 4 O Set ID - Patient ID   No  
2 20 O Patient ID (External ID) Primary Client ID Yes Default field where
CAREWare looks for matching patient value.
3 20 R Patient ID (Internal ID) Primary/Alternate Client ID No Can be used as matching patient identifier. If user sets this as the default patient identifier, this value will override the value PID 2. If this is set as the alternate value, it will override PID 2 if PID 2 is empty.
4 20 O Alternate Patient ID - PID Primary/Alternate Client ID No Can be used as matching patient identifier. If user sets this as the default patient identifier, this value will override the value in PID 2. If this is set as the alternate value, it will override PID 2 if PID 2 is empty.
5 48 R Patient Name Last Name, First Name, No If patient name is not set,
        Middle Name   CAREWare will match patients by matching patient value only. Users must set
CAREWare’s threshold (secondary check) to 0,
6 48 O Mother’s Maiden Name   No Can be imported as a custom
client field
7 26 O Date/Time of Birth   No If patient’s date of birth is not set, make sure CAREWare’s threshold (secondary check) is low enough to account for this.
8 1 O Sex Gender No Only mandatory if new patient is added.
9 48 O Patient Alias   No Can be imported as a custom
client field
10 1 O Race Patient Race No Single patient race
11 106 O Patient Address Address, Address Continued,
City, State, Zip
No Address^Address
12 4 B County Code County No  
13 40 O Phone Number - Home Phone No  
14 40 O Phone Number - Business   No Can be imported as a custom
client field
15 60 O Primary Language   No Can be imported as a custom
client field
16 1 O Marital Status   No Can be imported as a custom
client field
17 3 O Religion   No Can be imported as a custom
client field
18 20 O Patient Account Number acct No  
19 16 O SSN Number - Patient   No Can be imported as a custom
client field
20 25 O Driver's License Number - Patient   No Can be imported as a custom
client field
21 20 O Mother's Identifier   No Can be imported as a custom
client field
22 3 O Ethnic Group Hispanic No  
23 60 O Birth Place   No Can be imported as a custom
client field
24 2 O Multiple Birth Indicator   No Can be imported as a custom
client field
25 2 O Birth Order   No Can be imported as a custom
client field
26 4 O Citizenship   No Can be imported as a custom
client field
27 60 O Veterans Military Status   No Can be imported as a custom
client field
28 80 O Nationality   No Can be imported as a custom
client field
29 26 O Patient Death Date and Time deathDate No Sets the date of death
30 1 O Patient Death Indicator Vtl Status No Sets the enrollment status to decease


Table 1.3 RXA - CAREWare Field


SEQ LEN OPT ELEMENT NAME CAREWare Field Required for import CAREWare Rules
1 4 R Give Sub-ID Counter   No  
2 4 R Administration Sub-ID Counter   No  
3 26 R Date/Time Start of Administration Immunization Date Yes Can not be future date
4 26 R Date/Time End of Administration   No  
5 100 R Administered Code Immunization Yes Use your own code. It will be mapped through the CW user interface.
6 20 R Administered Amount   No  
7 60 C Administered Units   No  
8 60 O Administered Dosage Form   No  
9 200 O Administration Notes   No  
10 200 O Administering Provider   No  
11 200 C Administered-at Location   No  
12 20 C Administered Per (Time Unit)   No  
13 20 O Administered Strength   No  
14 60 O Administered Strength Units   No  
15 20 O Substance Lot Number   No  
16 26 O Substance Expiration Date   No  
17 60 O Substance Manufacturer Name   No  
18 200 O Substance Refusal Reason   No  
19 200 O Indication   No  
20 2 O Completion Status Immunization Received No Use your own code. It will be mapped through the CW user
interface. If no value is sent for this field, it will default to a value of Yes.
21 2 O Action Code Immunization Action No Use your own code. It will be mapped through the CW user interface. Can be used to delete the immunization
22 26 O System Entry Date/Time   No  

Sample Immunization Message (Minimum)    





Sample Immunization Message (Long) 













RXA|0|4|19910907|19910907|50^DTAP-HIB^CVX^90721^DTAP-HIB^CPT|.5|ML^^ISO+||00^NEW IMMUNIZATION 



BOSTON^MA||||W46932777|199208|PMC^PASTEUR MERIEUX CONNAUGHT^MVX|||CP|A| 19910907120030 













POST 5 TU ID^LN||1|MM||N|||F|||19960418 


The sample message (minimum) contains the minimum amount of data for an immunization import.  If no action code (RXA 21.0) is sent, it will treat the immunization as adds or updates only.  The long message can also be processed.  The long message is parsed into several document stubs.  Each stub contains at the very minimum an MSH segment, a PID segment, and a RXA segment.  Any values that are not linked to a field map will be ignored during import.   


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