Performance measures help identify clients whose treatment is not meeting established benchmarks and potential deficiencies in data collection. CAREWare users can import performance measures from HRSA sources like the Target site to get HRSA defined measures, from this page to get additional quality checks in CAREWare, or from other CAREWare instances like sharing performance measures created for one agency with the states CAREWare instance so that measure can be shared out with other agencies.
Below are performance measures created for specific modules or data sets such as the CORE measures, HAB measures, and HIVQM module:
HRSA Defined Performance Measures:
CORE and HAB Measures HRSA Defined
CORE01 - Viral Load Suppression
CORE02 - Prescription of Antiretroviral Therapy
CORE03 - Medical Visit Frequency
CORE04 - Gap in Medical Visits
Durable VL Performance Measure
Extract the XML file from the downloaded Zip file.
HRSA-defined performance measures can also be downloaded here.
NASTAD ADAP Monitoring Survey
NASTAD Viral Suppression Performance Measure
To import Performance Measures into CAREWare, follow these instructions t:
1. Click on Reports in the left menu.
2. Click on Performance Measures.
3. Click on Import Performance Measures.
4. Click Choose File and navigate to the XML file for the Performance Measure.
5. Click Import.
CAREWare users can download the XML files for specific performance measures developed by HRSA and NASTAD. After downloading the file, use the Import Performance Measures feature in CAREWare.