CAREWare currently lacks an option to update or activate ICD9 codes.
A process has been created to add specified Diagnosis Definition codes and activate those definition codes for a specified provider.
Step 1 - Create the SQL Server stored procedure on the CAREWare database. This procedure will do the work of adding specified Diagnosis Definition codes and activating those definition for the specified provider. If the Diagnosis Definition already exists, the procedure creates the mapping. If that mapping already exists, the procedure does nothing.
The script to create the stored procedure can be found here.
Step 2 - For usage, run an EXEC call for each definition that you want to enter and activate. The call will be in the form of:
EXEC dbo.AddAndActivateDiagnosisDefinition 'DiagnosisName', 'ICD9Code', 'DomainName'
For example, to add the ICD9 for '097.9: Syphilis, Unspecified:
EXEC dbo.AddAndActivateDiagnosisDefinition 'Syphilis, Unspecified', '097.9', 'MyImportDomain'