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CW Admin Utility
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The CW Admin Utility is the interface for the business tier settings. The CW Admin Utility is where Administrators can set the connection between the business tier and database, test the connection, adjust HL7 Interface settings, read diagnostics files, and set many other CAREWare options.


The default location for the CW Admin Utility is C:\Program Files\CAREWare Business Tier.



To run the CW Admin Utility, follow these instructions:


  1. Go to C:\Program Files\CAREWare Business Tier.
  2. Right click CW Admin.
  3. Click Run as Administrator.


Note: The CW Admin Utility must always be run as administrator, even if the user is logged into a Windows Administrative account. If the CW Admin Utility is run without choosing Run as Administrator, the following error will occur when the RW CAREWare Business Tier service is stopped.



Server Settings shows the current settings for the business tier, allows editing of several business tier settings, and provides access to start and stop the business tier service.



To start or stop the business tier service: Click Start Server or Stop Server.


Tag – Name of CAREWare Business Tier Setting.

Setting – Location where files are stored for that setting.

Table Name – CAREWare Business Tier Setting type.

LocalStringStorage – Text-type CAREWare Business Tier Settings (e.g. BackupFolder, SQLServerRestoreFromDirectory, or SQLServerBackupDirectory).

LocalNumberStorage – Numeric-type CAREWare Business Tier Settings (e.g. UserTimeout, errorLogsToKeep, or query Timeout).

LocalDateStorage – Date-type CAREWare Business Tier Settings.

Start Server – Starts the CAREWare Business Tier Service.

Stop Server – Stops the CAREWare Business Tier Service.

Edit – Allows users to make changes to a setting.

Add – Allows users to add a new setting.

Delete – Allows users to remove a setting.

Backup Folder – Where the CAREWare Business Tier Settings and database encryption files are stored as backup.

SQLServerRestoreFromDirectory – Where CAREWare allows users to select a backup file when restoring the database in the user interface.

SQLServerBackupDirectory – Where CAREWare writes new backup files when users back up the database in the user interface.


Once changes are complete for settings, start the service by clicking Start Server.


To add a setting:


  1. Select a Table Name.
  2. Click Stop Server.
  3. Click Add.
  4. Enter a value for Tag.
  5. Edit the value for Setting.
  6. Click Save.


To delete a setting:


  1. Select a Table Name.
  2. Click Stop Server.
  3. Click Delete.


To edit a setting:


  1. Select a Table Name.
  2. Click Stop Server.
  3. Click the setting Tag.
  4. Click Edit
  5. Edit the value for Setting.
  6. Click Save.




The Services tab lists all CAREWare services, allowing users to start and stop those services here. If there are multiple database instances, they are listed here.


The diagnostics tab provides a view of diagnostics files created by running the business tier diagnostics in the client tier application. Click here to review instructions for running the diagnostics application.



The Database Info tab is used to test the connection between the database and the business tier. The Database Info tab shows database users, roles, and databases in the SQL Server Database Instance. The Database Info tab includes an option for adjusting the Database Compatibility Level. If there is an error in roles for the cwbt login, a Resolve button will appear to resolve the issue.



Databases – Lists databases in the CAREWare instance (e.g. cw_data, cw_attachments, or cw_pdi).

Clients in Database – Displays the total number of clients in the database.

SQL Server Version – Displays the version of SQL installed for the instance.

Test your current connection string – Used to check the connection for the CAREWare Business Tier to the CAREWare database.

Advanced Optimization Options – Updates indexing in the database to improve performance.

Database Compatibility Level – Sets the compatibility of the database to a different SQL Server Version. It is ideal to select the latest version of SQL.


Auto Close – When the last user exits the database, the database is shut down cleanly and resources are freed (Recommended to remain off as this may degrade performance.).

Auto Shrink – If this setting is set to ON, SQL Server removes unused space from the database on a periodic basis (Recommended to remain off as this may degrade performance.).

View Index Suggestions – Produces queries than can improve indexes in CAREWare to improve performance.


Note: View Index Suggestions includes the option to execute all of the suggestions or save the script so a DBA can review the queries and run the chosen queries using SQL Server Management Studio.



The Common Storage Settings tab is a link to the Common Storage Settings table in the database. It contains many settings for CAREWare, including HL7 Interface settings, the version of the database, an option to reset and unlock users, and the database connection string for attachments. Here is a list of the Common Storage Settings in Excel.



Connection String Management allows users to set the business tier to database connection, encrypt the settings, and test the connection.


Server Address – The name of the PC/Server where the CAREWare database instance is installed and the name of the CAREWare database instance.

Database Name – The name of the CAREWare database in the SQL database instance.

SQL login ID – The SQL login that is the database owner for cw_data.

Password – The password for the SQL login ID.

Show – Displays the hidden password for the login.

Encrypt In Settings File – When checked, the database connection string is encrypted in the BusinessTierSettings.xml file.

Test Connection – Tests the connection between the CAREWare business tier and the CAREWare database.

Save – Saves changes to the database connection string.



Emergency Password Reset is used to unlock any account while setting a new temporary password. Users are prompted to enter a new password once they attempt to log in with the temporary password.

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