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Welcome to the CAREWare FAQ Page
Diagnostics Utility
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The CAREWare Diagnostic Utility is able to monitor and time key activity internal to the CAREWare Server and to store that information in a TXT file that can be sent to the jProg programmers for analysis related to performance issues.

Below are step-by-step instructions on how to perform diagnostics on your server and to send the results to jProg.

Start the Diagnostic Utility

1. Log into the Central Administration.

2. Click Administrative Options.

3. Click Turn diagnostics On or Off.


4. Estimate the number of minutes you will need to re-produce the performance issue and enter that in the Number of Minutes field.  Note: Make sure it is enough time to complete the process and not too long, because it would create a very large diagnostic file.

5. Click Start.

If Turn diagnostics On or Off is clicked again, the time remaining is displayed.


At any time, the utility can be stopped by clicking Stop. Click Cancel to continue and return to Administrative Options


You can now do the tasks that you want to run diagnostics for. It is OK to log out of the central provider and log in to a data entry provider. Once you have performed the tasks with the performance problems you can turn off the diagnostic utility.


Review the Diagnostic Utility File


  1. Go to C:\Program Files\CAREWare Business Tier.
  2. Right click CW Admin.
  3. Click Diagnostics.
  4. Click the file to highlight it.
  5. Click Show Diagnostics.




Send the Diagnostic Output To jProg

On the computer where the CAREWare business tier is installed, in the CAREWare Business Tier\diagnostics folder, you will find one or more TXT files that have the date you ran the diagnostics utility. Email that file to [email protected] for the CAREWare Help Desk to review.


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