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Home > Data Management > Merge Clients
Merge Clients
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Merging clients copies client level data from one client to another. CAREWare labels one client the primary and one the secondary in the process, where the primary is the client to be retained and the records from the secondary client are copied to the primary client. During the merge process, users select which records from each client is to be kept when there are two different values. All client level data fields marked in red require a selection to be made prior to merging the records. At the end of the merge client process, users have the option to delete the secondary client removing the duplicate records from CAREWare.


Note: Prior merging clients, it may help to review additional considerations here.


Follow these steps to merge client records:


  1. Log into Central Administration.

  2. Click Administrative Options.

  3. Click Data Oversight.

  4. Click Client Merge.

  5. Click Merge Clients.




  1. Click a duplicate pair to highlight them.

  2. Click Merge Duplicates.



Merge Clients – Completes the merge client process.

Swap Primary/Secondary Clients – Changes the primary and secondary client position so that the record on the right which would be the record to be discarded is moved to the left making that record the primary and the record to be retained.


Note: Make sure the client with the correct URN values is set as the Primary Client on the left as all other records are merged over to that client ensuring the record is correct and intact.


Keep All Attachments – Sets all attachment custom field records to be retained and merged to the primary client.

Cancel – Closes the merge client process, leaving the primary and secondary client records unchanged.


  1. Make a selection from any field with red characters.



Note: Fields with red characters indicates there is more than one potential option and one needs to be selected. In this case, a client is identified as not being Hispanic on 3/14/2024, however that field Hispanic was left blank in the other client record on 1/11/2024. The value to be selected should be which ever is true for the client record to be retained.


  1. Client Merge Clients.

  2. Click View Details.




Delete Client – Deletes the secondary client record.

Client Merge Report – Produces a report showing number of records retained and rejected by each client data element.

Rejected Records – Shows rejected records as well as the reason the record was rejected.


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