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Home > Security > Security Controls > Instructions for setting up CAREWare 6 using IIS as a reverse proxy
Instructions for setting up CAREWare 6 using IIS as a reverse proxy
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By default, CAREWare 6 uses its own lightweight CAREWare HTTP Server to handle communication between the Client and Business Tiers. This configuration works for most use cases, however in some cases an organization already has standardized TLS certificate management on IIS or other reasons and wishes to use IIS.

Follow these instructions to set up IIS to forward traffic to the CAREWare HTTP Server

  1. Install the latest versions of the CAREWare HTTP Server and Business Tier using the installers available from the links here.
  2. Verify the connection to CAREWare locally on the server works connecting to http://localhost:8080/careware/rs/index.htm in a browser window.

Note: If the connection to CAREWare works from that page, then proceed with setting up CAREWare to work with IIS. Ensure that firewall rules block any incoming connections on port 8080 and that it is only possible to connect to this port via local host on the server itself.

  1. .Install IIS using the method appropriate for your operating system. In Windows Server, the Server Manager can be used to install IIS.
  2. Install the URL Rewrite module for IIS, available here.
  3. Open IIS Manager.

  1. Right click Sites.
  2. Click Add Website.
  3. Enter the Site name
  4. Under Binding select HTTPS for the type.
  5. Enter the Host name.
  6. Click OK.

  1. Click the site.
  2. Double click Output Caching.

  1. Click Edit Feature Settings.

  1. Uncheck Enable cache.
  2. Check Enable kernel cache.

  1. Click OK.
  2. Right click the website added.
  3. Click Add Application.

  1. Enter 'careware' as the Alias.

  1. Click the ellipsis to browse to the CwProxy folder to select the Physical path.

Note: If the folder cw_proxy doesn’t exist add it and then select that path.

Note: It is important that the Alias is set to careware; otherwise the proxy only works for CAREWare with that alias.

  1. Click OK.
  2. Click the application.
  3. Double click URL Rewrite.
  4. Click Add Rule(s) from the right-side menu.

  1.  Click Reverse Proxy.

  1. Click OK.
  2. Under Inbound Rules, enter localhost:8080/careware.

  1. Check Enable SSL Offloading.
  2. Uncheck Rewrite the domain names of the links in HTTP responses is not selected.
  3. Click OK.

At this point, the connection to CAREWare has been established using the new site created in IIS. From a machine other than server CAREWare is installed on, navigate to the internet facing address that is handled by the IIS server and confirm the connection to CAREWare works. The address should be something like If the connection works, then IIS has been successfully set up as a reverse proxy for CAREWare.

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