Feb 27, 2025
The HL7 Socket Interface import process allows for the importing of the following records into CAREWare.
- Annual Review Screenings
- Appointments
- Demographics
- Diagnoses
- Hospital Records
- Immunizations
- Insurance Assessments
- Labs
- Medications
- Poverty Level Assessments
- Referrals
- Services
Contact the CAREWare Help Desk for the following documentation.
- HL7 import specifications for Appointment fields
- HL7 import specifications for Demographic fields
- HL7 import specifications for Diagnosis fields
- HL7 import specifications for Immunization fields
- HL7 import specifications for Lab fields
- HL7 import specifications for Medication fields
- HL7 Options for RSR fields
- HL7 Socket Technical guide, which explains the import processes and import features