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Home > Importing and Exporting Data > HL7 Imports > HL7 Import Specifications
HL7 Import Specifications
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The HL7 Socket Interface import process allows for the importing of the following records into CAREWare.

  • Annual Review Screenings
  • Appointments
  • Demographics
  • Diagnoses
  • Hospital Records
  • Immunizations
  • Insurance Assessments
  • Labs
  • Medications
  • Poverty Level Assessments
  • Referrals
  • Services

Click here for HL7 import specifications for Appointment fields.
Click here for HL7 import specifications for Demographic fields.
Click here for HL7 import specifications for Diagnosis fields.
Click here for HL7 import specifications for Immunization fields.
Click here for HL7 import specifications for Lab fields.
Click here for HL7 import specifications for Medication fields.

Click here for HL7 Options for RSR fields.

Click here for the HL7 Socket Technical guide, which explains the import processes and import features.

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