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Custom Report Run Report
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These are the Run Report options in the Central Administration domain:

























These are the Run Report options in a provider domain:



Horizontal menu options:


Edit Parameters – Changes the window from view mode to edit mode so users can change settings.

Open in New Tab – The custom report results appear in a new tab in the browser.

CSV – The custom report results are downloaded as a CSV file, with a link to the file and folder location at the bottom of the screen for most browsers. This may vary based on the browser and browser settings.

CSV with Specs – The custom report results are downloaded as a ZIP file containing a CSV with the report results and a separate CSV with the selected report specifications.

PDF – The custom report results appear in the current window in PDF format.

Excel – Exports the report results as a CSV file formatted to resolve an issue that occurs when opening the file in Excel.

Help – Opens this user guide in a new tab.

Back – Navigates back to the prior window.




Date From and Date Through: The date from and date through fields establish the date span of the report. For critical dates, the date span of the report limits the results to within that span. In a services report type, the service date must be between the date from and date through to be included in the report. For other fields and filters, data may appear outside of that range. A client's last primary insurance assessment may have been in the previous year of that services report.


Example: A services report type custom report is run from 1/1/2018 through 12/31/2018. There is a filter included for clients that have an Outpatient Ambulatory Health Service within the last 24 months. Client A has an Outpatient Ambulatory Health Service on 11/01/2017 and another service on 12/12/2017. Client B has an Outpatient Ambulatory Health Service on 5/05/2017 and another service on 6/30/2018. Only Client B would appear in the report even though both clients meet the requirement in the report filter.


Clinical Review Year: This sets the year to indicate which custom Annual Review data is included. This is important if the report covers more than one calendar year and there are Annual Review fields and filters included in the report.


Example: In a Demographics report type, if a user sets the date span to 1/1/2017 through 12/31/2018 and the Clinical Review Year to 2018, the custom annual review values for 2018 appear in the results of the report. If the Clinical Review Year is set to 2017, the custom annual review values for 2017 appear, even though the 2018 values are more recent and the report covers that period.


Show New Clients only: This filters the results to only include clients that have an enrollment date within the last 12 months before the Through Date.


Example: Client A has an enrollment date of 1/1/2017 and Client B has an enrollment date of 1/1/2018. The custom report is run with a Date From of 1/1/2017 and a Date Through of 12/31/2018. Checking New Clients Only excludes Client A with the enrollment date of 1/1/2017, even though that enrollment date is between the Date From and Date Through. Client B is included in the results.


Show Clients with Service only: This filters the results to only include clients that have a service date between the From and Through dates of the custom report.


  • When the report type is Demographic or Service, and the Show Clients with Service Only box is checked, the date boxes filter for services within the date span. A client must have a service to be included.
  • If the Show Clients with Services Only box is checked and the report type is something other than Demographic or Service, then the report requires a critical date for that report type and a service date within the span.


Example: Client A has a service date of 1/1/2018 and Client B has a service date of 1/1/2019. Client A has a lab date of 1/1/2018 and client B has a lab date of 12/31/2018. The report is a Lab report type. The report is run with a Date From of 1/1/2018 and a Date Through of 12/31/2018. Unchecking Show Clients with Service Only produces a report with both Client A and Client B, because both clients have a lab date within the date span of the report. The lab date is the critical date for a Lab report type. If Show Clients with Service Only is checked, only Client A appears in the report because the criteria now require the client have a lab date and a service date during the date span of the report.


Show Specifications: This option sets the report to list the filter criteria that define the custom report at the top, including the critical date.


Sum Numeric Fields: This option totals numeric field columns at the end of the report.


Primary Provider: The Primary Provider is based on one of three possible calculations for a client.


  • Most medical services in date span
  • Most custom forms in date span
  • Most services in date span

For clients receiving services at multiple providers, these selections are used to determine which provider is the client's primary provider domain in CAREWare.


Group By Provider: This option adds each provider domain name as a header and groups results by each provider domain included in the report.


Selected Domains: This option sets a report to be run for one or multiple provider domains.


Users have several settings to control what shared data is included in custom report results.



In addition to these settings, shared data can be included or excluded from the custom report results by checking one or more of the Domain Sharing Settings.


Domain Sharing Settings: These options allow users to quickly choose whether or not shared data is included in the report results.


  • Show Shared Service Records
  • Show Shared Clinical Records
  • Show Shared Custom Subform Records
  • Show Shared Case Notes


Example: A user is running a custom report that is a Service report type. Data sharing settings are turned on for Provider A and Provider B for Provider by Provider sharing both ways. The custom report is being run for Provider A from 12/1/2018 through 12/31/2018. A client has an Outpatient Ambulatory Health Service in Provider A with a service date of 1/1/2018. The client has services from Provider B for Outpatient Ambulatory Health Services on 6/1/2018 and on 11/1/2018. If Show Shared Service Records is checked, all three services from both providers are included in the report. If Show Shared Service Records is unchecked, the client may appear to have no follow up clinical services for the rest of 2018.


The report results are based on the Report Type, Date From, Date Through, the critical date, Parameters, Domain Sharing Settings, and date spans included in fields and filters in the report. Date spans, calendar dates, and key dates of fields and filters are compared to the Date Through.


These are the Critical Dates by report type.



Example: If a custom report is an Eligibility report type, only clients with an eligibility date on or after the Date From and on or before the Date Through are included. If Show Clients with Service Only is checked, only clients with an eligibility date and a service date during the date span of the report are included.


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