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Home > Reports > Custom Reports > Creating Custom Reports
Creating Custom Reports
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Custom reports can be used to create unique reports tailored to the provider’s needs. These customized reports can display several data elements in CAREWare, including:

  • ADAP enrollment history
  • Counseling and testing
  • Case notes
  • Composite
  • Custom subform
  • Demographics
  • Diagnosis
  • Dispensary
  • Drug service
  • Eligibility
  • Indicator
  • Immunization
  • Insurance assessment
  • Lab
  • Medication
  • Poverty level assessment
  • Pregnancy history
  • Referrals
  • Relations
  • ROI agreement
  • Screening
  • Screening lab
  • Service
  • Store adjustments
  • Store inventory
  • Store issuance
  • Store receipts
  • Subfilterfields
  • Vital signs.

Each of these report types include common and unique fields and filters. Custom reports can include results for a single provider or several providers. To run a custom report for several providers, a user must be logged into Central Administration. Running a custom report requires users have sufficient permissions and enough data to generate results.


To grant permission for users to create reports in Central Administration or in a provider domain:

  1. Click Administrative Options.
  2. Click Provider User Manager.
  3. Click Users.
  4. Type the users name in the search field.
  5. Click the user to highlight the user name.
  6. Click Manage.
  7. Click Individual Permissions.
  8. Type custom report in the search field.
  9. Check the check box under Select for each of the highlighted permissions.

  1. Click Grant.

These are the minimal permissions for creating custom reports. Additional permissions can be granted for additional report permissions as needed.

If the permissions are locked, the permissions need to be granted for the provider domain.

  1. Log into CAREWare.
  2. Click Central Administration.
  3. Click Connect.
  4. Click Administrative Options.
  5. Click Provider User Manager.
  6. Click Real-Time Providers.
  7. Click the provider to highlight it.
  8. Click Manage.
  9. Click Individual Permissions.
  10. Type custom reports in the search field.
  11. Check the select box for each custom report permission.
  12. Click Grant.

Now the permissions are granted for the provider domain and can be granted to users.

Tips for preparing to create a custom report:

  • Define the report - Make a list of the information that needs to be included in the report.
  • Diagram the report – Make a list of fields that capture that information.
  • Include quality check fields - Make a list of fields that confirm the data in the report is correct.
  • Define the sample – Make a list of criteria that define the clients and client data in the report.

Note: Demographic reports display results per client. This makes it easier the get an unduplicated count of clients. Other report types display a row for each record of that report type. For example, a services report type lists a row for each service record a client received. This often results in several lines for each client, providing a detailed summary.


To create a custom report:

  1. Log into CAREWare.
  2. Click Reports.

  1. Click Custom Reports Menu.

  1. Click Manage/Run Custom Reports.

  1. Click Add.

  1. Enter a Report Name.
  2. Click the spy glass to select from the list of Report Types.

The report type will determine which field and filter options will be available for the custom report. Click here to review the fields and filters by report type.

  1. Complete the Setup Details.
  2. Click Save.
  • Is Crosstab – See Crosstabs below.
  • Read Only – Checking this box eliminates the option for editing the custom report.
  • Use Totals – Checking this box combines multiple records into single rows based on criteria such as Group By, Count, and Sum.
  • Font Name – Displays the font for the Header/Footer.
  • Bold – Checking Bold sets the Header/Footer text as bold.
  • Italic – Checking Italic set the Header/Footer text in italics.
  • Font Size – Sets the font size for the Header/Footer.
  • Color – Sets the color of the Header/Footer.

Once the Report Setup is complete, Field Selections will need to be added to define the report.

    1. Click Field Selection.
    2. Click Add.

  • Manage – Accessing the options to view and edit the field selection.
  • Add – Used to add new field selections to the report.
  • Move Up/Down – Used to change the order of fields in the list.
  • Delete – Used to delete a field selection from the list.
  • Templates – Used to add a field selection template. This will replace any fields already listed with the field selections in the template selected.
  • Back – Returns to the previous screen.
  • Print Page – Used to print the current screen.

Enter a name in the search field to limit the list to field selections similar to the information needed for the report. In this example, age is selected. Several options listed include age in the name of the field.

  1. Click the field selection to highlight it.
  2. Click Use Field.

  1. Complete the field selection format.
  2. Click Save.

Some field selections have additional format options. In the case of Age, there are number format options.

To select additional format options for the field selection:


1, Click Number Format.


2. Click Add.



3. Enter a name for the Group Description.


4. Click Number Items.

5. Click Add. 

6. Enter a Max Value.

7. Enter that label for that value.


The Max Value is set for each labeled number range. In this case, Children are ages three through thirteen.

These ranges are saved as a template for number formats.

  1. Click the template.
  2. Click Use Selected Template.

The number format template is now used for that field selection.

Once field selections are complete, report filters can be added to limit the results based on filter criterion.

    1. Click Report Filter.
    2. Click Add.

    1. Click Save.

In this case, the results of the report are filtered for any clients that are within the age range of Seniors.

    • Paren. - Opening parenthesis.
    • Field Name - This is the name of the filter.
    • Is Not - Used to exclude a value in a filter. In this case, if Is Not is checked, clients who are all other age groups other than Seniors would be included.
    • = – Means the filter will select records that match this value.
    • Null – Filters clients that have no value for this filter. In this case, the client would be missing their date of birth.
    • Paren. – The closed parenthesis.

The parenthesis is used to group together filters with the same operator. In a custom report containing filters that use the operators AND and OR, the order in which these filters are calculated using those operators depends on the location of the parentheses.

In this case, the report will select clients that are ages 13 through 25, Hispanic, and received at least one outpatient ambulatory service or clients that are ages 50 through 75, female, and received at least one outpatient ambulatory service. The double parenthesis is used to join the two groups of filters,

Once the report setup, field selections, and report filters are complete, the report is ready to run.

    1. Click Run Report.

    1. Click Edit.

    1. Complete the parameters for the report.

    1. Click Save.
  • Date From – Data on this date or after this date is considered for the report.
  • Date Through – Data on this date or before this date is considered for the report.
  • Clinical Review Year – Specifies which year's annual review data to use for the report.
  • Output Display – Sets how the report to display as a download as CSV, in a new window, or as a PDF.
  • Show New Clients only – Includes clients with an enrollment date on or after the Date From and on or before the Date Through.
  • Show Clients with Service only – Includes clients with a service date on or after the Date From and on or before the Date Through.
  • Show Specifications – Displays report filter criteria in the report results.
  • Sum Numeric Fields – Includes a total of numeric values in the report results.
  • Primary Provider – Designates the client's primary provider based on where the client received the most medical services, most services, or most custom subforms in the date span.
  • Group By Provider – Displays report results under each provider separately.
  • Selected Domains – Displays the provider’s data will be included for.

Once the report parameters are complete the report can be run. The report results will be based on the Report Type, Date From, Date Through, critical date, and date spans included in fields and filters in the report. Date spans, calendar dates, and key dates of fields and filters are compared to the Date Through.

Report Type Critical Date
ADAP Enrollment History ADAP Enrollment History Date
Counseling and Testing HIV Test Date
Case Notes Case Notes Date
Composite Based on report types included
Custom Subform Custom Subform Date
Diagnosis Diagnosis Date
Dispensary Prescription Date
Drug Service Service Date
Eligibility Eligibility Date
Immunization Immunization Date
Insurance Assessment Insurance Assessment Date
Lab Test Date
Medication Medication Start Date/End Date
Poverty Level Assessment Poverty Level Assessment Date
Pregnancy History Pregnancy Date
Referrals Referral Date
Relations Service Date
ROI Agreement ROI Start Date/End Date
Screening Test Date
Screening Lab Test Date
Service Service Date
Store Adjustments Adjustment Date
Store Inventory  
Store Issuance Issue Date
Store Receipts Receipt Date
Vital Signs Vital Sign Date



Ex: If a custom report is an Eligibility report type, only clients with an eligibility date on or after the Date From and on or before the Date Through will be included. If Show Clients with Service Only is checked, only clients with an eligibility date and a service date during the date span of the report will be included.

Some fields and filters will display dates or records prior to the Date From.

Ex: Date of last service will show the clients last service date, even if that date is prior to the Date From of the report.

A custom report is visible in the domain the custom report is created in. Another provider can be granted access to the custom report by copying the custom report to that provider.

To copy custom reports:

  1. Log into Central Administration.

  1. Click Reports.
  2. Click Copy Custom Reports.
  3. Check each report to be copied.

  1. Click Next.
  2. Check each provider the custom report will be copied to.
  3. Click Finish.

The ADAP Test report will now be in the list on the AIDS R Us and Johns AIDS Services provider domains.

A Crosstab report can be used to get a count of the number of clients or a percentage of clients for a specific field value. The Crosstab report can include a column field, a row field, and be stratified by a field. To create a Crosstab report, check Crosstab in the report setup.

This is an example of a Crosstab report with a single field selection. Each age group is listed as a row with the total number of unduplicated clients in the second column under Total and the percentage in the last column. In this case, the clients included in this report all received services during 2016. No filter was needed, because the report type is demographics and a service during the date span is required for the client to be included in the report.

The following report includes three field selections. A Crosstab report places the first field as the row, the second as the column, and the third as the strata.

The race is the row, the gender is the column, and the results are stratified by the age group.

Note: While a custom report is set as a Crosstab report, only the field selections column header can be edited. Other field selection settings are accessible when Crosstab is unchecked in the Report Setup.

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