This page shows changes to CAREWare, including bug fixes and new features, and it indicates the HRSA reports for which the builds were created.
Note: Click here for build fixes listed by their reference ID. Click here to download this list in CSV format.
Build 230 ADR 2023
Build Date 2/27/2024 Completed Testing 2/28/2024
Added 2023 ADR changes (CMS# 12819, CMS# 12816, CMS# 12817, CMS# 12818, CMS# 12820, CMS# 12844, CMS# 12843, CMS# 12842, CMS# 12988)
Resolved issues with the Provider Data Import (CMS# 9491, CMS# 12340, CMS# 12553, CMS# 12802, CMS# 12838, CMS# 12808, CMS# 12906)
Resolved data tier update issue (CMS# 12762)
Resolved SQL Server compatibility issue for SQL Server 2016 or older (CMS# 12638)
Resolved merge client issue (CMS# 12598)
Resolved client summary issue (CMS# 12815)
Resolved custom field issues (CMS# 12890, CMS# 12987)
Resolved custom report issues (CMS# 12317, CMS# 12924)
Resolved issue with clinical setup (CMS# 12840)
Resolved issue with referrals (CMS# 12985)
Resolved issue with eligibility status (CMS# 12986)
Fixed issue with EURN Generator
Build 225 RSR 2023
Build Date 2/5/2024 Completed Testing 2/6/2024
Resolved issues with custom reports (CMS# 12418, CMS# 12483)
Resolved issues with the Provider Data Import (CMS# 12421, CMS# 12433, CMS# 12383, CMS# 11996)
Resolved issues with custom subforms (CMS# 12444, CMS# 12445)
Added new option for the Provider Data Export (CMS# 3021)
Resolved issue with merging subservices (CMS# 12467)
Resolved issue with administrative reports (CMS# 12465)
Resolved import issues (CMS# 12298, CMS# 11996)
Resolved issues with HOPWA module
Added 2024 poverty level calculations
Updated medication frequency options (CMS# 10814)
Resolved issue for HL7 imports (CMS# 12198)
Resolved menu customization options issue (CMS# 12229)
Build 222 RSR 2023
Build Date 1/11/2024 Completed Testing 1/12/2024
Resolved issue with the RSR Viewer (CMS# 11479)
Resolved issues with RSR Validation Report (CMS# 11859)
Removed PII from cw_events (CMS# 11821)
Fixed data tier updates during upgrade (CMS# 11761)
Resolved issue with the Provider User Manager (CMS# 11756)
Resolved issue with custom reports (CMS# 11751, CMS# 11627, CMS# 11594, CMS# 11575, CMS# 11557, CMS# 11498, CMS# 11469, CMS# 11922, CMS# 11970)
Resolved issue with EHE Triannual Report (CMS# 11636)
Resolved import issues (CMS# 11593, CMS# 11589, CMS# 11913, CMS# 12065)
Resolved service entry issue (CMS# 11561)
Resolved issue with custom fields (CMS# 11559, CMS# 11493, CMS# 12006, CMS# 12012)
Resolved issue with form designer (CMS# 4405)
Fixed issue with users being disconnected (CMS# 11486)
Resolved issue for medication setup (CMS# 10656)
Build 214 RSR 2023
Build Date 11/29/2023 Completed Testing 11/30/2023
Resolved PDI issue (CMS# 11360)
Resolved user interface issue (CMS# 11363)
Resolved add client issue (CMS# 11380)
Resolved data sharing issue (CMS# 11381)
Resolved RSR Viewer issues (CMS# 11243, CMS# 11144)
Resolved Form Designer issue
Resolved issue for logging in with OIDC enabled (CMS# 11283)
Build 211
Build Date 11/15/2023
Resolved issues for data tier update 143.8 and 144 (CMS# 11236)
Resolved issues for the RSR Validation Report (CMS# 10935, CMS# 10655, CMS# 10954, CMS# 10938)
Resolved issues for the RSR Viewer (CMS# 11136, CMS# 11137, CMS# 11138, CMS# 11139, CMS# 11140, CMS# 11141, CMS# 11142, CMS# 11184)
Updated HRSA logo
Resolved issue with RSR Client Export (CMS# 11115)
Updated Insurance Assessment list CMS# 11062)
Updated RSR Validation Report (CMS# 11052, CMS# 11063)
Resolved issue with 2FA (CMS# 11084)
Resolved issues with custom subform report types
Improved the way that aggregate reports execute
Updated RSR Validation Report for 2023 RSR
Updated RSR Viewer for 2023 RSR
Resolved HL7 import issue (CMS# 10795)
Resolved lab data entry issue (CMS# 10923)
Resolved custom control setup issues
Build 202
Build Date 10/2/2023 Completed Testing 10/4/2023
Added Permission Group Activation/Deactivation
Changed the User Group Report to use active permission groups at time of logins during the reporting period instead of current groups.
Resolved issue for Financial Report (CMS# 10553)
Updated quality check service entry misspelling (CMS# 10673)
Resolved password reset issue
Resolved SQL PDE Issue (CMS# 10512)
Resolved sorting issues (CMS# 10534, CMS# 10535)
Resolved issue with the RSR Zip Code report (CMS# 10521)
Resolved issue with adding custom controls (CMS# 10522)
Resolved issue for custom report imports (CMS# 10516)
Cleaned up duplicates in the Custom Report field Hide/Show feature (CMS# 10518)
Resolved issue with tooltips (CMS# 10510)
Resolved issue with CSV PDE (CMS# 10511)
Updated Custom Field Usage tool
Improved PDE setup
Updated the event log download to recreate the events file if the file doesn't exist.
Resolved issue with attachments in custom subforms
Updated the metadata import to retain the incoming primary keys if possible
Updated custom report and performance measure import/export process
Build 198
Build Date 9/12/2023 Completed Testing 7/19/2023
FHIR build
Improved the spacing in the user interface
Updated custom subform custom reports
Improved security by adding a key store for 2FA symmetric keys (CMS# 9201)
Added new custom report type Custom Forms
Created custom fields custom forms
Reorganized Custom Subforms
Made changes to Custom Subform Report Type
Made changes to PDE for Custom Subforms
Added Select/Deselect All Providers functionality in report setups
Added new View Provider Summaries permission to Disable Provider Summary by Provider
Added the ability to manage Custom Client Tab names in Central Administration
Sped up User Action Report Setup load time
Added transdermal and sublingual to Medication Forms
Added the ability to map custom housing types to RSR responses
Resolved user domain settings issue for Central Client Merge buttons (CMS# 10314)
Fixed ADAP Drug Payments issue (CMS# 10165)
Resolved Performance Measure issue (CMS# 9036)
Added function for downloading diagnostics file in the user interface (CMS# 9958)
Improved performance issues (CMS# 8070, CMS# 10033)
Fixed HOPWA data tier update issue (CMS# 6753)
Improved security to meet OWASP standards (CMS# 9614, CMS# 9379, CMS# 9360, CMS# 9346, CMS# 9237, CMS# 9235, CMS# 9206, CMS# 9181, CMS# 9165, CMS# 8704)
Improved Central Administration functions and settings (CMS# 9731, CMS# 8958, CMS# 8754, CMS# 8173, CMS# 8046, CMS# 9295, CMS# 10332, CMS# 10150, CMS# 8389, CMS# 7690, CMS# 7373, CMS# 6964, CMS# 6902, CMS# 6639, CMS# 6032, CMS# 5983, CMS# 5368, CMS# 5068, CMS# 4954)
Fixed custom field issues (CMS# 8484, CMS# 8483, CMS# 8482, CMS# 8481, CMS# 8480, CMS# 8222, CMS# 5891, CMS# 9917, CMS# 9615, CMS# 9296, CMS# 8895, CMS# 8867, CMS# 8457, CMS# 8388, CMS# 8145, CMS# 8029, CMS# 8017, CMS# 7418, CMS# 7135, CMS# 6226, CMS# 6215, CMS# 5285, CMS# 4873)
Fixed Demographics data entry issues (CMS# 9852, CMS# 7263, CMS# 8720, CMS# 8371, CMS# 5053, CMS# 8965, CMS# 8929, CMS# 8928, CMS# 8868, CMS# 10358, CMS# 10251, CMS# 8922, CMS# 9872, CMS# 9798, CMS# 9720, CMS# 9672, CMS# 9473, CMS# 9059, CMS# 8034, CMS# 7725, CMS# 7211, CMS# 6800, CMS# 6794, CMS# 6365, CMS# 6138, CMS# 5219, CMS# 5054, CMS# 4920)
Fixed issues for clinical setup issues (CMS# 5932, CMS# 5740, CMS# 9283, CMS# 8973, CMS# 7936, CMS# 6420, CMS# 5933, CMS# 7427, CMS# 6695, CMS# 5580)
Fixed data export issues (CMS# 7626, CMS# 7624, CMS# 6767, CMS# 8677, CMS# 9077, CMS# 9197, CMS# 8056, CMS# 7939, CMS# 7840, CMS# 7781, CMS# 7707, CMS# 5352, CMS# 5137, CMS# 10327, CMS# 10326, CMS# 10244, CMS# 10202, CMS# 10142, CMS# 10138, CMS# 9922, CMS# 9732, CMS# 7786, CMS# 7717, CMS# 7708, CMS# 6853, CMS# 6450, CMS# 6342, CMS# 5349, CMS# 5844, CMS# 5739, CMS# 5844, CMS# 5739, CMS# 5449, CMS# 5347, CMS# 5270, CMS# 5218, CMS# 4929, CMS# 5012, CMS# 4977)
Fixed data import issues (CMS# 8102, CMS# 7503, CMS# 6640, CMS# 6381, CMS# 5910, CMS# 8331, CMS# 7061, CMS# 8331, CMS# 7061, CMS# 5309, CMS# 10060, CMS# 9938, CMS# 9740, CMS# 9491, CMS# 6647, CMS# 9016, CMS# 8980, CMS# 8719, CMS# 8493, CMS# 8414, CMS# 8357, CMS# 8356, CMS# 8333, CMS# 8303, CMS# 8213, CMS# 8174, CMS# 8172, CMS# 8112, CMS# 8037, CMS# 8100, CMS# 7684, CMS# 7515, CMS# 6891, CMS# 6713, CMS# 4912, CMS# 6123, CMS# 5960)
Build 186f
Build Date 7/18/2023 – Completed Testing 7/19/2023
Fixed issue for the display of provider names in lists. (CMS# 8965)
Modified orphaned attachments folder division process.
Build 186e
Build Date 5/22/2023 – Completed Testing 5/24/2023
Resolved issue for client search matching
Resolved issue with adding clients (CMS# 8877)
Resolved issue import issue
Resolved custom field issue
Updated Archiving Feature
Build 186a
Build Date 5/8/2023 – Completed Testing 5/9/2023
Fixed issues exporting MDB files
Fixed Performance Measure issues (CMS# 8648)
Fixed Custom Report issues (CMS# 4162)
Improved performance of merge client lists.
Build 186
Build Date 4/26/2023 – Completed Testing 4/27/2023
Fixed ADR issues (CMS# 8028, CMS# 8469, CMS# 8345, CMS# 3688)
Created new ADAP custom report fields (CMS# 3473)
Fixed PDI/PDE issues (CMS# 8237, CMS# 8238, CMS# 8195, CMS# 7929, CMS# 7662)
Fixed custom report issue
Fixed User Activity Archive issue
Fixed RSR issue (CMS# 8350)
Fixed custom subform issue (CMS# 8231)
Fixed HOPWA issue (CMS# 6630)
Build 176
Build Date 3/15/2023 – Completed Testing 3/16/2023
PDI Details can now be searched by record type using the filter list
Setting up report engine sped up
Fixed ADR issue (CMS# 7807)
Build 175
Build Date 3/3/2023 – Completed Testing 3/6/2023
Resolved Provider Data Import issues (CMS# 7742, CMS# 7279, CMS# 7274, CMS# 7196)
Resolved issue saving labs (CMS# 7420)
Resolved issue with enrollment dates (CMS# 7382)
Improved speed for User Messages list (CMS# 7291)
Resolved issues with reports (CMS# 7277, CMS# 7086, CMS# 5067)
Resolved RSR issue (CMS# 7032)
Resolved issue with regimens (CMS# 7017)
Resolved Merge Client issue (CMS# 6787)
Resolved Data Tier Update issue
Build 173
Build Date 2/6/2023 – Completed Testing 2/9/2023
Resolved RSR issue. (CMS# 6968, CMS# 6949)
Resolved HIV Status issue.
Resolved HL7 issue.
Build 172
Build Date 1/13/2023 – Completed Testing 1/17/2023
Added 2023 Federal Poverty Level calculations.
Fixed performance measure filters issue (CMS# 6415)
Fixed issue with RSR Client Validation (CMS# 6541)
Build 171 RSR 2022
Build Date 1/4/2023
Resolved RSR Validation report issues
Resolved administrative alarm issues
Build 170
Build Date 12/30/2022 – Completed Testing 1/3/2023
Fixed contract dropdowns in form designer forms.
Fixed automatic mapping issues with State and County in PDI
Updated SQL PDI to allow full county and state names, as opposed to just FIPS codes
Fixed issue with mapping during initial import from SQL PDI
Updated HL7 socket imports process for HL7 client mapping
Build 168
Build Date 12/20/2022 – Completed Testing 12/21/2022
Resolved add client issue (CMS# 6128)
Resolved add medication issue (CMS# 5926)
Resolved custom field issues (CMS# 5820, CMS# 5399)
Resolved performance measure issue (CMS# 5813)
Resolved import issues (CMS# 5731, CMS# 5699, CMS# 5681, CMS# 5535, CMS# 5462)
Resolved RSR issues (CMS# 5592, CMS# 5577, CMS# 5569)
Resolved export issues (CMS# 5557, CMS# 5359, CMS# 5358, CMS# 5357, CMS# 5348, CMS# 5274, CMS# 5182)
Resolved user messages issue (CMS# 5480,CMS# 5345)
Resolved clinical setup issues (CMS# 5459, CMS# 5217)
Resolved referrals issues (CMS# 5363)
Resolved rapid service entry issue (CMS# 5261)
Resolved custom report issue (CMS# 5085)
Resolved UI issue (CMS# 3750)
Resolved financial report issue (CMS# 3498)
Build 156
Build Date 10/12/2022 – Completed Testing 10/13/2022
Added new feature built in DTM through the browser.
Added new feature My CAREWare Reports
Added export option for business tier events available through the browser
Added Side-by-side viewing for PDI matching
Added new CSV with Specs Report option
Client Merge speed improvement
Added new calculated objects for custom reports
Recategorized event log entries
Performance Measure Report with expansion of HIVQM module
Staff Alerts generated by performance measures
Form Designer Improvements
Oauth2 option for CW API
Fixed No Service in X Days report
Resolved issue with demographics (CMS# 4922)
Resolved issue with referrals (CMS# 4842)
Resolved issue with medications (CMS# 4821)
Resolved issues with the PDE (CMS# 4736, CMS# 4913, CMS# 4931, CMS# 5275)
Resolved issue with client match scoring setup (CMS# 4723)
Resolved issues with custom reports (CMS# 4722, CMS# 4737, CMS# 4840)
Resolved issues with user messages (CMS# 4652, CMS# 4652)
Resolved issue with custom subforms (CMS# 4632)
Resolved issues with the PDI (CMS# 4604, CMS# 4701, CMS# 4702, CMS# 4753, CMS# 4825, CMS# 4851, CMS# 4852, CMS# 4853)
Resolved issues for the DTM (CMS# 4479, CMS# 4667, CMS# 4739, CMS# 5149)
Resolved issue with merging clients (CMS# 4435)
Resolved issue with My Reports (CMS# 4419)
Resolved issue with shared clinical data in reports (CMS# 4401)
Resolved issue for Import History by Provider (CMS# 4380)
Resolved issues with adding services (CMS# 4167, CMS# 4330)
Resolved PDE issue with missing fields (CMS# 3916)
Resolved issue with No Test in X Days report (CMS# 3915)
Resolved issue with main menu (CMS# 3495)
Resolved issue with custom fields list in PDE (CMS# 3282)
Resolved issue with attachments for pregnancy and relations records (CMS# 3280)
Build 112z19
Build Date 5/6/2022 – Completed Testing 5/10/2022
Resolved issue with custom fields list in PDE (CMS# 3282)
Build 112z14
Build Date 3/30/2022
Fixed ADR Viewer issues
Fixed data sharing issues with labs for ADR
Fixed ADAP Enrollment History issue
Fixed ADR Validation Report issue
Build 112z13
Build Date 3/23/2022
Fixed ADAP enrollment status issue for non-ADAP providers
Fixed ADAP enrollment status issue for ADAP providers
Fixed ADR Validation Report issues
Fixed issues with ADAP insurance services in the ADR
Fixed issue for quarterly annual review custom fields.
Build 112z8 RSR 2021
Build Date 2/17/2022
Fixed insurance system data tier update
Build 112z6
Build Date 2/3/2022
Added 2022 Federal Poverty Level Calculations
Updated Bcrypt reference (CMS# 1273)
Updated ADAP Enrollment label
Resolved RSR Viewer issues (CMS# 2011, CMS# 2002)
Build 112z2
Build Date 1/24/2022
Improved service list efficiency
Fixed insurance issues in RSR Viewer
Fixed RSR Validation Report issue (CMS# 1356)
Build 112z
Build Date 12/2/2021 – Completed Testing 12/3/2021
Resolved Merge Client issues (TTP# 5389, CMS# 1013, CMS# 1014, CMS# 1016)
Build 112y
Build Date 11/29/2021 – Completed Testing 12/2/2021
Resolved HIVQM export issues
Build 112x
Build Date 11/2/2021 – Completed Testing 11/3/2021
Fixed Insurance Assessment error
Fixed RSR issues (TTP# 5460, TTP# 5462)
Updated RSR Client and RSR validation reports
Fixed Activity Recorder issue (TTP# 5451)
Fixed Client Report issue
Build 112s
Build Date 10/11/2021 – Completed Testing 10/13/2021
Resolved Insurance Assessment issues. (TTP# 5346, TTP# 5355, TTP# 5414, TTP# 5418, TTP# 5419, TTP# 5431)
Resolved RSR issues. (TTP# 5356)
Improved speed of RSR
Resolved HIVQM export issues.
Resolved Form Designer issues. (TTP# 5400, TTP# 5401, TTP# 5274, TTP# 5276, TTP# 5368, TTP# 5277)
Resolved PDE issues. (TTP# 5170)
Added new Common Storage Setting for Oauth2.
Resolved Custom Field issues. (TTP# 5413)
Resolved Print or Export issues. (TTP# 5397)
Added 2021 ADR changes.
Resolved connection issues. (TTP# 5382)
Build 112f
Build Date 6/17/2021 – Completed Testing 6/17/2021
Resolved Annual Review issues
Added new Medication options for form and frequency (TTP# 5287, TTP# 5294)
Build 112e
Build Date 6/11/2021 – Completed Testing 6/14/2021
Updated the business tier timer
Resolved issue with expanded rows
Build 112d
Build Date 6/4/2021 – Completed Testing 6/7/2021
Sped up the data tier update process.
Build 112b
Build Date 5/26/2021 – Completed Testing 5/27/2021
Added auto-population for Form Designer
Improved CAREWare data tier update speed
Added interface for User Retirement Exemption feature
Fixed services error (TTP# 5275)
Build 112a
Build Date 5/13/2021 – Completed Testing 5/14/2021
Resolved timeout error for case notes (TTP# 5273)
Added User Retirement Exemption feature
Fixed form designer issue (TTP# 5251)
Fixed Find Client issue (TTP# 5254)
Resolved referral custom field issue
Build 111
Build Date 4/21/2021 – Completed Testing 4/26/2021
Added new custom field options (TTP# 4806, TTP# 5225)
Fixed issues with custom fields
Added new export options for reports (TTP# 4772, TTP# 4976, TTP# 4961)
Added new options for custom reports (TTP# 4966, TTP# 5221)
Fixed issues with custom reports
Fixed issues in reports (TTP# 4574, TTP# 4960)
Added the ability to create more insurance options in Central Administration
Added the ability to create a backup file with all client data removed
Added new options for service entry (TTP# 4033, TTP# 4221)
Added new permissions (TTP# 5040)
Resolved timeout issue for services
Sped up the loading of the diagnosis Add/Edit screens
Added a delete option for Unmapped PDI Files (TTP# 4963)
Updated the layout for the relations list
Fixed form designer issues (TTP# 4836, TTP# 5189, TTP# 5208)
Fixed an HL7 Mapping Issue (TTP# 5129)
Modified password reset options (TTP# 5131)
Added Demographics field Preferred Name (TTP# 5031)
PDI Template updated to include Preferred Name in exp_client (TTP# 5031)
Added a feature to automatically retire inactive user accounts.
Build 102H RSR 2020
Build Date 4/7/2021 - Completed Testing 4/7/2021
Added 2021 Federal Poverty Level calculations
Fixed custom field setup issue
Fixed form designer errors (TTP# 5194, TTP# 5173)
Resolved compatibility issues with jQuery (TTP# 5172)
Resolved issues with headers in the HTTP Server (TTP# 5152)
Fixed quality check message for invalid dates in custom fields (TT# 4998)
Build 102e – RSR 2020
Build Date 3/18/2021 – Completed Testing 3/23/2021
Added a demographic report field Has Contract Item (TTP# 5169)
Fixed an error with attachment fields on the Custom Agency Tab (TTP# 5151)
Fixed system slowdown during drug payment entry when the formulary has a large number of items (TTP#5184)
Fixed error running a report with Last Subform Field Value for custom subform combo box (TTP# 5061)
Added Oauth2 login for API client
Fixed CSV and Excel System Log Exports (TTP# 4996)
Build 102d – RSR 2020
Build Date 2/9/2021 – Completed Testing 2/11/2021
Fixed paging and filtering on the provider selection list
Added a custom report field Service Has Funding
Build 102c – RSR 2020
Build Date 1/8/2021 – Completed Testing 1/13/2021
Fixed eligibility description for eligibility status with future date
Resolved error for missing year 2021 for services, annual review, and HRSA reports
Build 102 – RSR 2020
Build Date 12/8/2020 – Completed Testing 12/9/2020
Fixed Performance Measure issues
Fixed bug when adding labs
Fixed Client Summary assignment issues
Build 97
Build Date 11/19/2020 – Completed Testing 11/23/2020
Fixed Custom Report issues
Fixed RSR Viewer issues
Build 95
Build Date 11/6/2020 – Completed Testing 11/10/2020
Fixed Data Tier Update error
Build 94
Build Date 11/4/2020 – Did not successfully complete testing
Fixed Client Summary issues
Added option to retire users when deleting a Provider
Fixed error when deleting clients
Addressed HL7 Reset Status feature
Fixed Provider Summary issues
Fixed Archive Data timeout issue
Fixed Form Designer issues
Build 93
Build Date 10/22/2020 – Completed Testing 10/26/2020
Fixed Archive Data Transfer timeout issue
Updates to Provider Summaries
Fixed Form Designer issues
Build 92
Build Date 10/13/2020 – Completed Testing 10/15/2020
Fix for Archive Data Transfer
Build 90
Build Date 9/24/2020 – Completed Testing 9/28/2020
Fixed Provider Summary and Client Summary issues.
Fixed user action log issues.
Fixed Form Designer formatting issues.
Added Central Custom Tab.
Added new Client Merge Features.
Fixed Case Notes error.
Added Mailing Label Report.
Changes to Third Party Billing.
Changes to Open ID Connect.
Fixed custom field sorting.
Added last login to user list.
Updated jQuery to 3.5.1
Build 88
Build Date 8/28/2020 – Completed Testing 8/31/2020
Fixed contract and funding source issues for EHE.
Fixed issue with inactive subservices.
Fixed Triannual EHE Report
Fixed Form Designer issues
Fixed controls for lists.
Build 85
Build Date 8/18/2020 – Completed Testing 8/19/2020
The system event log view sorts by time.
Added built-in default client summary design.
Made custom form permissions errors more user-friendly.
Fixed form designer date issues.
Build 84
Build Date 8/12/2020 – Completed Testing 8/14/2020
Added multiple provider management option to the universal menu restrictions.
Fixed form designer issues.
Fixed import error for client summary design.
Fixed provider list in form designer.
Fixed ICD10 file and RSR file upload errors.
Fixed Client Summary Screen.
Updated to Provider Summary.
Addressed issues with diagnosis export, notification message, displaying special characters, and displaying BMI data.
Added EHE Triannual Report.
Build 81
Build Date 7/30/2020 – Completed Testing 8/3/2020
Resolved security, logging, and displaying interface errors
Added sub-directory for attachments
Added Vital Signs calculated fields for reports
Fixed issue importing contract setup information
Added relation fields to form designer
Fixed form designer issues
Build 79
Build Date 7/17/2020
Added Custom Agency Fields
Sped up custom report field lists
Added Universal Menu Settings to Menu Item Customization
Added common storage setting for moving custom form links to vertical menu
Added new RSR validation rule for invalid Encrypted UCI's
Added Delete Data by Date to the PDI
Added HCFA 1500 Form
Fixes in Third Party Billing
Fixes Provider User Manager
Improved Form Designer functionality
Build 78
Build Date 6/24/2020
Added Pregnancy and Relations to Form Designer
Build 76
Build Date 6/22/2020 – Completed Testing 6/29/2020
Resolved Section 508 Accessibility issues
Improved list performance
Resolved Form Designer issues
Build 75
Built 6/1/2020 – Completed Testing 6/4/2020
Added service coding system and service data entry workflow revision
Added Provider Summary
Build 74
Added client side validation for invalid dates
Sped up services
Sped up Labs
Fixed decimal point issues in Lab list
Increased the Username field size for new users
Added preferred language to custom reports
Fixed the date driven filters in canned reports
Fixed Form Designer issues
Fixed ADR report issues
Fixed PDI/PDE issue causing business tier to stop
Build 73
Sped up ADAP formulary setup
Fixed column sizing across quarterly tabs
Fixed column sizing issue in custom report field selection/filter lists
Build 72
Fixed an issue cancelling a new Insurance Provider record in the billing module
Build 71
Updated custom report filters to allow negative numbers
Updated service screen to allow negative service prices
Build 69-70
Updated PDI to allow client records with incomplete URN fields to be imported. Note: New clients cannot be added this way, but non-URN information can be updated.
Fixed bugs related to running the User Action Report
Fixed record locking on Appointments Report
Time is no longer showing in DOB field in Client Search list.
Build 68
Fixed issues with the user timeout process
Added a validation for custom text fields that exceed the maximum length
Updated the Appointments to load quicker
Fixed issues with stored list sort settings
Updated the drug payment units to allow decimals
Fixed issue with displaying validation messages on the interface
Fixed issue with Couchbase password identified by the source code scan
Removed gender consideration for Pregnancy History records
Fixed issue with merging client records with line breaks in custom memo fields
Fixed sorting issue in ADR
Build 64-67
Fixed business tier caching issues
Fixed issues with bread crumbs
Fixed Diagnosis Edit Issue
Fixed issue with fields selected more than once in form designer custom report grids
Fixed navigation errors in Form Properties in form designer
Added missing ethnicity control in form designer
Restored missing Custom Default Value feature in form designer
Build 63
Fixed performance, sorting, and permissions issues for HL7 Interface
Fixed form designer issues
Fixed provider user manager issues
Allowed custom fields for Find Client searches
Resolved SQL PDI issues
Resolved Demographics display issues
Resolved custom report issues
Resolved performance measure issues
Allowed multiple attachments to be uploaded at once
Added CSV option for Service Detail Report
Build 62
Updated the change password function to avoid potential Invalid HMAC errors
Added validation messages for duplicate performance measure names and codes
Updated SQL helpers to no longer include values in the case of a failed database insert
Fix in Appointment Report
Allowed whitespace for form designer checkbox labels
Fixed bug where images are not displayed in custom forms
Updated ADR medication list
Added new service category “EHE Initiative Services”
Fixed issues in PDI with extra tables causing errors
Fixed PDE issues with scheduling and saving configurations
Build 60-61
Changed attachments to allow multiple files to be uploaded at once
Fixed Custom referral bug
Added Content-Security-Policy, X-Content-Type-Options, and X-XSS-Protection HTTP headers to all resources served to web browsers by the CAREWare HTTP Server.
Removed inline JavaScript and HTML Comments from html files.
Added check to ensure the same form design does not appear in the list more than once when viewing custom form records for a client.
Performance improvements in the HL7 Socket Interface
Fix in unneeded stub creation in the HL7 Socket Interface
Build 59
Fixed column resize issue
Changed report setup record locking so users can run the same reports at the same time
Added a setting that speeds up processing data in the HL7 Interface
Navigation link related issues in the HL7 Interface
Fixed CW6 form design conversion to include custom memo fields in custom subforms.
Added Dcode d08876 to ADR medication export.
Build 58
Added 2020 Poverty Level Guidelines
Added the ability to open relation records
Revisions to RDR
Fixed various interface and navigation issues in PDE and PDI
Fixed an issue with deleting clients in Client Merge
Fixed issues with mapping service custom combo fields in PDI
Added user message and disabled down arrow control for Combo Boxes with no selectable values
Fixed bug preventing users from adding controls to custom subform container in form designer when Attachment, Memo, or Hyperlink controls exist in the custom subform
Fixed navigation error where user is prompted to delete previously deleted list item after clicking "Back"
Build 56-57
Bug fix for the event logs
Bug fix for entering referrals
Bug fix for service contract budgets
Bug fix for the date diff field in custom reports
Bug fix for the NDC file
Navigation bug fixes in form designer
Fixed gaps between form designer pages after page deletion
Fixed a bug creating export files in PDE
Fixed a bug importing files in PDI
Fixed issue upgrading (update 103.8)
Revisions to RDR
Updated RSR validation for out of range Viral Load value from 1 million to 100 million
Fixed Medication cosmetic issue
Fixed Encounter Report Issue
Build 49-55
Added a common storage setting (PasswordReuseRestrictionCount) for restricting users from recycling their last X passwords.
Added the data archive system.
Started recording New Provider Creations for the permission changes report.
Added the ability to choose ICD 10s for a medication record.
Form Designer additions and bug fixes.
Added medication placeholder functionality.
Client Merge bug fix.
Migrated HL7 Socket Interface from Couchbase to SQL Server
Added screens for all the features in CW5 in the HL7 Socket interface
HL7 Lab Import and HL7 Socket Interface bug fixes
Added Contracts Report
Resolved custom report bug
Resolved show column bug for lists
Resolved service data entry bug
Resolved PDI/PDE bug for XML files with attachments
Resolved PDI custom template bug
Closed user session after browser closes
Resolved medications tab bug
Resolved custom control editing bug
Resolved PDE XML bug
Added the Filter Client option for the PDE
Changed Financial Report back to Services Report Type
Build 48
Case Notes Report now prints one client per page
Removed all requirements for SA passwords from features and tools
Dates auto populate for Eligibility, Immunizations, Add Case notes
Resolved Eligibility bug
Resolved bug for Demographics custom tab
Eliminated false administrative alarms for permissions violations
Resolved SQLPDI Start Time bug
Resolved User Action Report bug
Resolved Form Designer bug
Build 47 RSR 2019
Added Open ID Connect functionality.
Resolved custom fields bug
Performance Measures provider list only shows active providers
SMTP setup bug resolved for emails