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                Jeff Murray’s Programming Shop, Inc.  

CAREWare Import/Export Roadmap

July 22, 2022


This document details changes in CAREWare import and export functionality.  Versions of CAREWare before build 113 function differently from build 113 and later.  This document details how different types of imports and exports worked before and compares that to how they currently work.

Quick summary

Exports: the XML option has been removed from CAREWare builds 113 and later.  Export a CAREWare-defined CSV fileset has been added.

Imports: XML imports have been removed from CAREWare builds 113 and later.  Data Translation Module (DTM) processing is handled within CAREWare rather than as a separate application.  Import of CAREWare-defined CSV ZIP filesets has been added.  HL7 processing and exception handling is done by the user in the import history interface instead of in a separate module.

Takeaways:  The most substantial changes are: the addition of CAREWare CSV exports/imports, HL7 import processing UI changes, the removal of the XML import/export, and Microsoft Access MDB import/export being targeted for deprecation/removal in a future build.

Exports (CAREWare Provider Data Export-PDE)

Exports are largely unchanged other than deprecation of the Export XML file feature and addition of the Export to another CAREWare installation CSV (Comma Separated Value) option.


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Export options in CAREWare builds

112 and earlier

Export options in CAREWare builds

113 and later



Three options existed:

  • Access MDB export
  • SQL PDI export
  • XML export

Three options exist now:

  • NEW:  CSV export
  • Access MDB export
  • SQL PDI export
  • REMOVED:  XML export

Notes about exports:

Export files, with the exception of SQL PDI exports, are generated as ZIP files to facilitate file organization.  The contents of these ZIP files can be extracted, or the ZIP files can be imported in CAREWare as ZIPs.

Imports (CAREWare Provider Data Import-PDI)

From the end user perspective, most of the changes in CAREWare import functionality serve to centralize where mapping and client matching occur.  Import functionality is mostly changed in the integration of the Data Translation Module into CAREWare, HL7 message handling being moved to the Import interface, and the removal of the XML import option.


Only minor changes were made to the Microsoft Access database (MBD) and SQL PDI imports.

Import settings

The way that import settings are created and maintained has been modified.  Existing import settings are migrated when CAREWare is updated to build 113 or later.  Prior to build 113, a single import settings screen defined how CAREWare handled all incoming PDI files for the current domain.  In newer builds, users can create any number of import settings records to handle files from different sources: 






















The import settings define:


  • The provider/domain
  • A user-defined name for the source
  • The type of import (MDB, CSV, etc.)


For example, a user might want to apply different rules about overwriting existing data depending on his or her confidence level in the new source.  The specific import settings are defined also depending on the Source Type.  Once the row defining the three abovementioned points is defined, it can then be selected and edited to indicate how the data is processed in imports using it.  Once the import setting is saved, the Provider, Source Name, and Source Type cannot be edited.


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Import settings in CAREWare builds

112 and below

Import settings in CAREWare builds

113 and above




Important notes: While CAREWare can map a Provider Name in a PDI, the Source Name must be specified in newer PDI templates.  Again, existing import settings are migrated when CAREWare is updated to build 113 or later.  Any previously existing import settings for a domain are created with a source name of “Default {type}.” 

Import History

Import History in CAREWare now displays all types of data imports.  From this screen, users can manage client matching and map values for different tables from the source import.  Previously, Microsoft Access MDB files, XML files, and SQL PDI were listed in the Import History, and their mapping and matching functions were handled there, but HL7 messages were processed outside of the Import History interface, and Data Translation Module (DTM)-generated Microsoft Access PDI files were processed as normal MDB files.

Supported and deprecated import types

Microsoft Access MDB import

Other than the change detailed above regarding multiple import settings per provider, Microsoft Access MDB PDI processing is unchanged in CAREWare.


Important note:  Support for Microsoft Access MDB files as a PDI option will be removed in a future CAREWare build.  It is recommended that users importing Microsoft Access MDBs begin transitioning their PDI operations to use another supported file type.  Please refer to the most recent PDI specifications documents for more information.


The SQL PDI functionality is unchanged.  Users operate the SQL PDI by setting parameters that can be accessed here:  Administrative Options > Data Import and Export Features > Provider Data Import > SQL Server Import.

Data Translation Module

Previously, the Data Translation Module (DTM) was generally a server-residing application separate from CAREWare that would convert source data into CAREWarecompliant MDB files.  These source data files could be dropped into a folder accessible by the DTM and either automatically or manually processed.


DTM Setup using DTM application

DTM setup in CAREWare




Now the DTM processes incoming files directly within CAREWare as long as files can be uploaded to a folder accessible by the business tier.  Users can set up new DTM file specifications that map columns in CSVs to CAREWare tables through Administrative Options > Data Import and Export Features > PDI > Import Settings > Add > Next > Configure DTM Specs.  They can also import existing specifications from the external DTM by clicking Import DTM Spec on that screen.


For the time being, the PDI can still import Access MDB files created by the external DTM.  However, once the PDI no longer accepts Access MDB files, the external DTM will not be useful.

HL7 (Health Level Seven)

The user-facing HL7 interface of CAREWare has changed substantially with mapping of data now being handled in the PDI data interface instead of a separate section of CAREWare.  As in previous builds, users can set up HL7 importing as a direct interface or with a socket here: Administrative Options > Data Import and Export Features > HL7 Socket Interface.  However, incoming data mapping and client matching is now handled in the Import History screens also used by the PDI.



In the above example, see the HL7 messages in the PDI import history, ready to be reviewed, mapped, and imported.


HL7 mapping build 112 and lower

HL7 mapping after build 113




Note that the only activities required to be done in Central Administration are the initial provider mapping and activation.  Result and client mapping is now handled identically to other PDI functions.


A new feature has been added to discard clients that are not matched to existing client records both in the Central Administration provider mapping as well as PDI Import Settings:


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A new import format added in versions of CAREWare 113 and later is the CAREWare CSV.  CSV files that are imported as CAREWare CSV specifications must comply with the CAREWare PDI specification.  CAREWare CSV files must be zipped before they are imported, and all CAREWare CSV ZIP files must include the exp_provider file to specify into which domain data is being saved.


CAREWare CSV is the recommended method for transferring data out of one CAREWare installation for import into another CAREWare installation.

Upcoming import/export standards

FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources)

jProg is currently developing CAREWare functionality to directly query and import EMR data from FHIR APIs.

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