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Welcome to the CAREWare FAQ Page
PDI Automatic Imports
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CAREWare can be set up for automatic imports using the Provider Data Import option.

To configure the Provider Data Import folder, follow these instructions:

  1. Log into Central Administration.
  2. Click Administrative Options.
  3. Click Server Management.
  4. Click Common Storage Values.
  5. Type ​"PDIFolder" in the Search field.
  6. Set the folder path to the folder you want to use for importing data. The default setting is C:\Program Files\CAREWare Business Tier\PDIFiles.


Note: Make sure there is a ​PDIFiles​ folder is set to an existing folder on the CAREWare server.


Note: The file folder location where the imported files are to be placed is the automaticimports folder in the file folder location set in Common Storage Values.


In this example, the file folder location set for automatic imports in Common Storage Values is E:\CAREWare Imports.



... and the folder where the automated imports are to be sent is E:\CAREWare Imports\AutomaticImports.



To create a scheduled task to import files from the configured import folder, follow these instructions:

  1. Log into ​Central Administration​.
  2. Click Administrative Options.
  3. Click Data Import and Export Features.
  4. Click Provider Data Import.
  5. Click Scheduling Options.
  6. Click Add.
  7. Enter the Task Name.
  8. Select PDI Process Files under Task Type.
  9. Check Enabled.
  10. Enter a Start Time.
  11. Enter an End Time.




CAREWare monitors the PDI Files Automatic Imports folder during the Start and End times for the task. Any files placed in the PDIFiles folder initiates the Provider Data Import process. The data from the import file uploads to the holding tanks, waiting for a user to process the file manually, unless the provider is configured to import files automatically.


 To set Email Recipients who will receive notifications about imported files, follow these instructions:


  1. Click Email Recipients.

  1. Click Add.
  2. Enter the Email Recipient name.



  1. Click Save.
  2. Click the Task Name to highlight it.
  3. Click Edit.



  1. Check Email Notifications.
  2. Click Save.


To enable messages regarding the import process to be logged under Administrative Alarms, check Admin Alarm.


To access Administrative Alarms follow these instructions:


  1. Click System Messages.
  2. Click Administrative Alarms.
  3. Click Administrative Alarms.



To configure provider domains to automatically process record in the holding tanks: 

  1. Log into Central Administration.
  2. Click Administrative Options.
  3. Click Data Import and Export Features.
  4. Click Provider Data Import.
  5. Click Import Settings.
  6. Select the import setting source to be automated.
  7. Click Edit.


  1. Check Automatically Process Imports.
  2. Click Save.



Once a provider is configured for automatic processing of imports, data uploaded to the holding tanks are automatically uploaded to the client records as long as the records are error-free. Errors still need to be resolved in the import details to complete the process.


Note: To include setup information from the import file, Automatically Import Setup Data also needs to be checked. That setting is for uploading data from the metadata tables like contract setup information, clinical setup information, custom setup information, etc.

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