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Importing Data into CAREWare
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There are several good ways to import data into CAREWare, though these processes can be quite complicated for novice users. This page summarizes the three most common methods and provides links to relevant documentation.


Provider Data Import (PDI)


The Provider Data Import (PDI) allows users to import their clinical data from other electronic health record applications or other instances of CAREWare.  The PDI currently supports CSV and Microsoft Access file formats. Once one or more files are ready for import, users map incoming fields with the associated CAREWare fields before completing the process.

The two supported versions of the PDI template can be downloaded below:


Note: As of June 2025, CAREWare will no longer support MDB imports and exports. For converting CSV files into the import template use the Data Translation Module built into CAREWare.


All PDI data fields are outlined in the CSV Import Specifications document.

User guides for the Provider Data Import process can be accessed here.

Many users want to import data via the PDI into CAREWare for reporting purposes. We have created the following documents for this purpose. These documents identify the PDI fields that hold the report and question-specific fields for the necessary incoming data.

PDI CSV Performance Measure Field Map lists the HAB Performance Measures and shows which CAREWare fields are used to calculate those measures.

The PDI CSV Performance Measure Data Elements lists all the CAREWare fields used to create the individual HAB Performance Measures and shows which measures and calculated objects use those fields.

RSR-CSV-MDB Field Map details all fields in use in the RSR and their related fields in the PDI template.

The ADR PDI DTM Field Map details all fields in use in the ADR and their related fields in the PDI template.

Instructions for setting up CAREWare for automatic PDI imports are here.

CAREWare HL7 Interface


HL7 is a standardized framework for exchanging, integrating, retrieving, and sharing electronic health information. This framework provides the ability to exchange several different types of clinical data. The CAREWare HL7 import allows for importing such clinical data as hospital admissions, diagnoses, tests, and appointments.

The use of the HL7 Socket to import clinical data allows users to automatically import data as the HL7 file is placed within the pre-defined location on the CAREWare server. Prior to the first successful import of the HL7 data, a user must map all incoming fields to existing fields within CAREWare.

For more information regarding the overall architecture of the HL7 Socket interface, please review the 
HL7 Socket Tech document.

More information regarding the HL7 Socket installation can be found in the HL7 Socket Installation document.

To see all RSR fields available for import using the HL7 Socket Interface, please review the HL7 Options for RSR Fields document.

The CAREWare Feature Explorer also provides a brief overview of the HL7 Socket Interface.

CAREWare FHIR Interface


FHIR is a standard developed by the HL7 organization that allows third-party applications like CAREWare to query and extract clinical and demographic information from other EMRs. The main focus of the CAREWare FHIR client is on regularly querying EHRs for RSR data, thereby increasing completeness of reporting and reducing double data entry. The CAREWare FHIR App has features to configure and maintain a secure FHIR connection.  It is configurable so that more data above and beyond the fields required for the RSR can be retrieved.


For more information regarding the FHIR Client please review the documents here.


Data Translation Module


The Data Translation Module (DTM) is a utility designed to parse flat text files in a CSV format that can be easily imported into CAREWare through the Provider Data Import (PDI). After required configuration and mapping processes are complete, this utility can be automated and will look for incoming files in a specified folder on the CAREWare server.

Click here for more information about the Data Translator.

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