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Home > CAREWare > Archive and Purge
Archive and Purge
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CAREWare has an archive and purge option, which exports user activity records and deletes them from the cw_data database. This can reduce space used in the database for user activity records.


  1. Click Administrative Options.

  2. Click Data Oversight.

  3. Click Archive and Purge Data.



4. Select the Archive Date (Records are archived and deleted on or before the date selected).
5. Select the
Save to Archive To location.

Server Folder - This option exports the archived files to a folder on the CAREWare server. 
New Database - This option creates a new database in the CAREWare SQL Server Database Instance to store the archived records. 
Specified Database - This option exports the archived records to an existing database.

6. Set the
Service Archive Path (This is required if Server Folder was selected).


7. Set the Database Connection String (This is required if Specified Database was selected).

If New Database was selected, CAREWare adds the database to the SQL Server Database Instance and creates the database connection string in the CAREWare Business Tier Settings.

8. Click
Summarize and Confirm.


9. Click Start Archive and Purge.

Once the archiving process is complete, the records should exist in the selected location and they should no longer exist in the cw_data database.

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