Feb 03, 2025
If a user is experiencing an issue where the Find Client page fails to open, follow these steps to identify the issue and/or resolve the issue:
- Ask the user to check their pop-up blocker settings for the CAREWare page for that browser.
- If the issue was a result of the pop-up blocker being active for all sites or the CAREWare site, make sure there is an exception for the CAREWare site as CAREWare has a number of tasks that open up a new tab such as Find Client, Add Client, Repot results, and Form Designer forms.
- Ask the user to click Add Client and see if a new tab opens to add clients. If so, press CTRL-F5. CAREWare should change to Find Client. Verify the Find Client screen works are that time.
- If the user can access Add Client, however they get an error for Find Client, there may be an issue with the Client Summary. Here are a few things that may resolve that issue:
- Revoke the user's permissions for the client summary by denying access to the permissions View Client Summaries and Edit Client Summaries. If that resolves the issue, make sure that CAREWare is upgraded to the latest build by following the instructions here.
- Verify the browser the user logs into CAREWare with. If the browser is anything other than Internet Explorer, ask the user to make sure the browser is up to date.
- If the user reported they are using Internet Explorer, ask them to log in using any other browser as Microsoft no longer supports Internet Explorer and it is incompatible with CAREWare.
- If the user is using any other browser, make sure their browser is up to date, try closing the browser entirely and log in again, and try pressing CTRL-F5 at the log in screen to clear the cache.
Multiple Users are Reporting Find Client doesn't work
If this issue is affecting multiple users, restart the CAREWare HTTP Server service on the CAREWare server.
- Go to C:\Program Files\CAREWare HTTP Server.
- Right click HttpSettingsTool.exe.
- Click Run as Administrator.
- Click Save and Restart.
If the issue persists after making these changes, contact the CAREWare Help Desk and email the System Log for the day users experienced this issue.