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Home > Provider and User Management > Unlocking User Accounts
Unlocking User Accounts
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Users get the message below if they have entered an incorrect password several times. The default limit is three attempts. If a user is attempting to log in and never gets a message that the account is locked, even though they cannot log in, then the username is incorrect.

The primary option for unlocking users is to log in with another user account that has permission to unlock users. If all users are locked out, unlock the account using the CW Admin utility by following the instructions here.


To unlock one account using another, follow these instructions:


Note: Do not click Undo Password Lockout, that button no longer works


  1. Click Administrative Options.
  2. Click Provider User Manager.
  3. Click Manage Users.

  1. Click the user's account to highlight it.
  2. Click Manage.
  3. Click Reset Password.
  4. Click Save.




  1. Use the token to complete the login process.
  2. Paste the token in the Reset Token field when logging in.




  1. Enter a new password.
  2. Retype the password to confirm it.
  3. Click Submit.




  1. The password has been reset and can be used to log into CAREWare.




Note: Force Password Reset requires the user to set his or her own password after logging using the token. Force Password is automatically checked as it is a required part of the process to set a new password. The new Password needs to be different from the prior password.


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