CAREWare includes a Scheduler feature to manage appointments for your organization. Providers can view and print a list of appointments in client records based on date range, subservice, and other information. The Scheduler feature needs to be configured before scheduling and viewing client appointments. * Schedu…
The Scheduler feature of CAREWare 6 tracks client appointments, including the date/time, purpose, subservice, status, provider, and other information. Provider staff can easily view/print appointments and schedule appointments for other staff. * Scheduler Setup * Scheduling Appointments in CAREWare 6 Scheduler Set…
The Employee Setup feature in CAREWare 6 identifies staff who are physicians, dispensers, schedulers, case note authors, and billable service providers. Employees may or may not have CAREWare user accounts, and setting up an employee does not add a user account to CAREWare . Instead, the Employee Setup enables speci…