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Welcome to the CAREWare FAQ Page
Search System Logs
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While using CAREWare, users sometimes experience error messages. They may appear as pop-up messages with an error keys, as timeout events, or as an error in the import history asking users to check the CAREWare Business Tier for more details. In each of those cases, the additional details are listed in the system logs, in which there are three options for accessing them.


  • In Central Administration

  • In the Provider

  • On the CAREWare Server (May be necessary if users are unable to log into CAREWare)


To access the system logs or cw_events files in Central Administration, follow these instructions:


  1. Log into Central Administration.

  2. Click Administrative Options.

  3. Click Server Management.

  4. Click Search System Log.


To access the system logs or cw_events files in Provider, follow these instructions:


  1. Click Administrative Options.

  2. Click Search System Log.


To access the cw_events on the CAREWare server:


Go to C:// Program Files/CAREWare Business Tier on the CAREWare server. The files are called cw_events_XX_XX, with the date the file was created.


Make sure to get the file for the same day the error occurred.


In order to access the system logs and cw_events in CAREWare, users need the following permissions granted.


If provider level users need access to the system logs, these permissions need to be granted for the provider as well as the user group the user is assigned to. The provider level permissions need to be granted in Central Administration.


Step by step instructions for using the System Log to review errors or report errors to the CAREWare Help Desk are as follows:



To review an error code, follow these instructions.


  1. Click the Log Date when the error occurred.

  2. Click Select.

  3. Enter the error key in the Search field.

  4. Press Enter.

  5. Click the Event Message.

  6. Click View.



The Search option can be used if users are unsure which date the error occurred on or an issue has been occurring over the course of several days.



By searching the system logs, users can identify details for an issue if the error key wasn’t included in the pop-up message or the issue occurred while users were logged out. The system logs can be searched using a date span, selecting an event type, using the error key or event token provided, or by entering a text description or keyword for the error.


Event TypeFilters the system log by categories of events, which may narrow down a broad range of errors for a specific type of issue that has occurred. An example would be selecting Application Shutdown because users are reporting CAREWare has been down each morning for the last few days.


Event Types


Application Shutdown – When all users have difficulty logging in or all users have been kicked out of CAREWare.


Database Modification – The record of database changes from data tier updates initialized by the CAREWare Business Tier when CAREWare is upgraded.


Error – Useful for identifying errors that had no pop-up message, resulted in an import message referring users to check the business tier, or occurred while users were logged out of CAREWare.


General Information – General Information includes messages about user activity as well as activity by the CAREWare Business Tier for scheduled tasks. These scheduled tasks may include running performance measures, purging lists like the import history, or scoring client matching lists.


Restart – These events are tasks CAREWare performs when the CAREWare Business Tier service restarts.


Event TokenThis is the error key that appears in a pop-up message for the user when an error occurs.



Search TextA search based on expected error details. For example, if there is an issue with labs, the user could search using the term "lab."



In this case the result shows events that include the word "lab" in them. This includes general information about labs.


By searching the log by an event and by a text value, the results can further be narrowed down. In this example, selecting "Error" as an Event Type and using the text value "Lab," the results show errors for lab entries.



Users can also download the system log file by clicking the date and then clicking Download.



The downloaded file is often requested by the CAREWare Help Desk in order to identify issues with CAREWare when they are reported.

Note: CAREWare retains logs for five days by default. If logs should be retained for a different date span, that setting can be updated in Common Storage Values by following these instructions:


  1. Click Administrative Options.

  2. Click Server Management.

  3. Click Common Storage Values.

  4. Type logDaysToKeepInDB in the search field.

  5. Click logDaysToKeepInDB.

  6. Click View.

  7. Click Edit.

  8. Change the value of 5 to the preferred value.


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