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Home > Reports > RSR > RSR Client Report
RSR Client Report
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The minimum build required for the RSR is available here to download.

To create an RSR Client Report, follow these instructions:

  1. Click Reports.
  2. Click HRSA Reports.
  3. Click RSR Client Report.

  1. Click Edit.


  1. Select the Year.
  2. Select the Provider Name.
  3. Click Save.

  1. Click Run.

This pop-up in the top right corner indicates the report is running.


Once the RSR Client Report is generated, a “Report complete” message will appear.

  1. Click Download RSR File to save the file.






To create an RSR Client Report with filtered results, follow these instructions:

  1. Click Edit Filter.

  1. Click Add.

Note: For instructions on how to create report filters, click here.

  1. Select a Field Name.
  2. Click Use Field.

  1. Complete the Subfilter values (If Applicable).

For instructions on how to complete Subfilters click here.

  1. Complete the Filter values (If applicable).
  2. Click Save.


  1. Once all filters are added, click Back.


  1. Click Edit.
  2. Check Apply Filter.
  3. Click Save.

  1. Click Run.

Once the RSR Client Report is generated, a "Report complete" message appears. Click Download RSR file to save the file.

Cross-Provider data or shared data is automatically included in the RSR if providers have enabled data sharing. In the RSR Settings, the Cross-Provider checkbox is checked if any provider has data sharing enabled for that type of data and with the provider running the RSR. The provider sharing the data is listed to the right of the setting. Here are instructions for enabling or disabling shared data.



Cross-Provider ART – If checked shared ART medications from other providers are included for clients that receive OAHS services in the provider running the RSR Client Report.

Cross-Provider Eligibility – If checked clients eligible for RW funded services in any provider listed are considered eligible in the provider running the RSR Client Report, even if that client lacks and Eligibility History record in that provider.

Cross-Provider Labs – If checked shared labs from other providers are included for clients that receive OAHS services in the provider running the RSR Client Report.




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