Adding clients is the first step for managing demographics, case notes, clinical data, services, and other client-level data. First name, last name, date of birth, and other identifying information are needed for adding a client to CAREWare. Providers may configure the Add Client screen to include other fields, such as medical record numbers.
How to Add a Client in CAREWare
1. Log into a provider domain and click Add Client in the left menu.
2. Enter the client’s identifying information. If you do not know the client’s date of birth, enter an estimated date and check the DOB Estimated? box.
3. Click Add.
Duplicate Client Warning
Before adding a new client to a provider domain, CAREWare checks for existing matches in all domains. If matches are found, CAREWare shows a list of the potential matches.
Add New Client: Click Add New Client if the potential match is not the same client as the one being added.
Go To Client: Click Go To Client to review the existing client record to determine if it is the same as the client being added.
Back: Return to the Add Client screen.
Print or Export: Print or export the list of possible matches.
Hide/Show Columns: Add or remove columns to the list of possible matches.