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Service Rapid Entry
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Service Rapid Entry allows users to quickly add individual services to clients, skipping the step of looking up those client records.



Users identify clients from a list of recently entered services, and then they can jump back and forth from that list to a service data entry screen. The first step is to generate that list.


The service list is generated based on the As Of Date selected and the Contains Last value.


Calendar Months – Number of months prior to As Of Date.

Calendar Years – Number of years prior to As Of Date.

Records – Number of records prior to As Of Date.



Once the selections are saved, click View Service List to see the results and add services.




Choose A Client – Allows users to use Find Client to look for a client not in the list.

New Service for Donald Duck – The client selected in Choose a Client is linked here, allowing users quick access to add services to that client record.

New Service for Selected Client – This allows users to add a service to the client selected.

Edit – This allows users to edit a service the user selected.

Delete – This allows users to delete a service selected.

Back – Takes user back to the As Of Date menu.

Print or Export – Allows users to print or export the service list.

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