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Welcome to the CAREWare FAQ Page
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To enter a new service or make changes to previously entered services click Services.


View: Allows a user to view details of a service record.

Add: Allows a user to add a new service.

Delete: Removes the service from the client’s record.

Receipts: Adds a payment record.

Help: Access the user guide for Services.

Print or Export: Creates a printable report or exports services list as a CSV file.

Hide/Show Columns: Select which columns to show in the list of service records.


Note: Services are required for the RSR. The service category of services delivered determines what other data is required for the client in the RSR.

Add Services to Client Records

1. Click Add.


2. Enter Date.

3. Select the contract from the dropdown list.

4. Select the service from the dropdown list.

CAREWare automatically completes the Units, Price, and Total based on the subservice configuration in the contract. The values can be changed manually.

  • If the number of Units is changed, CAREWare recalculates the Total (Units x Price).
  • If the Price is changed, CAREWare recalculates the Total (Units x Price).
  • If the Total is changed, CAREWare recalculates the Price (Total/Units).

5. Click Save.

Save: Saves the service record and returns to the list of services.

Save and Add: Saves the service record and opens a new service record entry screen.

Add Receipt: Use to add receipts to the existing service record.

Back: Return to the list of services.


Third-Party Billing Fields

If third-party billing is activated for the provider domain, three additional fields appear after entering the service name.

Ryan White Eligibility Check

The Ryan White eligibility quality check informs the user that, as of the date of service, the client is not eligible for Ryan White. The client’s eligibility is updated in the Eligibility tab under Demographics.

Service Receipts

CAREWare provides the option to add receipts to service records, such as payments from insurance carriers.

1. Select the service record and click Receipts.

2. Click Add.

3. Enter Date, Amount, and Source. Check the box for Out of Pocket Expense, if applicable.

4. Click Save.

 Print or Export Service Records

To print values in a window click Print or Export to get to the Report Setup.

Click Printable List Format Options to edit the format of printed pages.


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