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New Export
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Data can be extracted from CAREWare with a great deal of control with the data elements, the data span of the records, and file format of the export. The Provider Data Export option can include exported client data based on the date of the client record or the date the record was edited. The Provider Data Export utility can be used to synchronize HIV record systems, CAREWare instances, export setup information, or be utilized as part of a process for cleaning data.


To create a Provider Data Export, follow these instructions:


  1. Click Administrative Options.

  2. Click Data Import and Export Features.

  3. Click Provider Data Export.

  4. Click New Export.



  1. Select an Export Format.


Note: The Export Format options include CSV, SQL PDI, and MS Access file types.


  • Export to CAREWare (csv files) – Generates a zipped file containing CSV files for each table selected and a folder for attached documents. The format of that export can be reviewed here.

  • Export to SQL PDI database – Exports the records to a database created by CAREWare called cw_pdi, which is added to the CAREWare Database Instance once SQL PDI is enabled or a SQL PDI file is exported for the first time. The connection to that database is maintained using the database connection string created by CAREWare in the CAREWare Business Tier Settings. The format of that export can be reviewed here.

  • Export to MS Access File – Generates a MDB file containing all tables in the CAREWare MDB Template. The format of that export can be reviewed here. The MDB format is to be deprecated from the CAREWare system by June 2025. At that point, CAREWare will no longer have that option for exports.


  1. Enter an Output File Name (This is the name of the file downloaded once the data is exported).

  2. Select a Start Date (If only Name is selected leave the date blank).

  3. Select an End Date (If the date is blank, CAREWare defaults to today's date).


Optional settings after date span:


  • Use Last Updated Date – This changes the date used to determine if client level data is included in the exported tables from the date of the client record to the last updated date when a user edited the record.

  • Include Metadata – Metadata is populated in the MTD tables of the export, which includes setup information like contract setup or the list of labs for the provider. Data is only included in the metadata tables if there is an associated client record. A medication name in clinical setup is only included in the mtd_medication table if a client has that medication in the exp_medication table.

  • Export Deleted Records – Exports a record that the client level data was deleted. This option only works for SQL PDI exports.


  1. Select a Client Match Field.


Note: The Client Match Field populates the client match ID in the exported exp_client table and the match_id in the other client level data tables. The options for the Client Match Field include eURN, eUCI, Client ID, and activated custom client fields for the export. Users may want to coordinate the exported Client Match Field with the Client Matching field selected in Import Settings if the exported records are to be imported to this or another CAREWare instance.


  1. Check each data option to include it in the export. (If only name is checked, leave the date blank to get a client list)

  2. Click Export.

  3. Click Download Export File.


Note: When exporting client level data, client records are included based on a few factors.


  • The critical date for the table. Example: The critical date for services is the service date. If a provider data export is run from 1/1/2023 through 12/31/2023, then only services entered in 2023 are included in the exported exp_service table. If Use Last Updated Date is checked, then only service records edited during 2023 are included in the exported exp_service table. That could mean that a service with a date of 11/1/2022 is included if that record was edited in 2023.


At this point, the exported data exists in the file folder location selected for downloads for the browser on the local computer.


Additional Options and customization of exports




If the export is occurring in Central Administration, multiple providers can be selected by following these steps:


  1. Click Edit Providers.

  2. Check each provider to be included in the export.

  3. Click Save.


Once multiple providers are selected, CAREWare produces a zipped folder that contains a separate zipped folder for each providers data.



If the provider data export is occurring in a provider, then only data for that provider is included in the export.



Apply Client Filter


The exported client list and other client level data elements can be filters using custom report filters from the demographics report type custom report. The exports can be filtered for clients that are a certain age, have specific insurance types, or are virally suppressed.


To apply a client filter, follow these instructions:


  1. Click Edit Client Filter.

  2. Click Add.

  3. Use the search field to limit the selections. (Example: Type Age in the search field to get age filter options.)

  4. Click the field name to use as the filter.

  5. Click Use Field.

  6. Complete the subfilter options if necessary.

  7. Click Save.



  1. Click Back.

  2. Check Apply Client Filter.


In this example, only clients age 25 or older are included in exp_client and only those clients included in exp_client have their client level data exported.


Funding Sources


Selecting funding sources filters the exp_service table by services funded by that source. Service funding is based on contracts funding sources and the subservice active for that contract.


To filter the exported services by a specific funding source or by multiple fundign sources, follow these instructions:


  1. Click Edit Funding Filter.

  2. Check each funding source for which services should be included in the export.

  3. Click Save.

  4. Check Services.



In this example, only services funded by Covid, EHE initiative, or HOPWA funding are included in the exp_service table.


Test Filter


The provider data export can be filtered for only certain tests by applying test filters. This limits the client level data in the exp_test table to only those tests selected for the export under Edit Test Filter.


To limit the scope of exported tests, follow these instructions:


  1. Click Edit Test Filter.

  2. Check each test to be included in the export.

  3. Click Save.

  4. Check Labs/Screenings/Screening Labs.



In this example, only CD4 Count, CD4 Percent, and Viral Load tests are included in the exported exp_test table.



Custom Fields


Custom fields can be included in the exported client list as well as exported client level data. Custom fields are added to the exported tables at the end of the table with a prefix of cst_ added to the column header name. Example: If exported a custom field called Case Managers, which is active as a custom demographics field in CAREWare, the column header cst_case_managers is added as a new column to the exp_client table.


To include custom fields in a provider data export, follow these instructions:


  1. Click Edit Custom Fields.

  2. Check each custom field to be included in the provider data export. (Pay close attention to the location of the fields. Select the custom field that is correct for the intended export based on the location. If the custom field is active as a custom client field, the location is listed as cw_client_custom.)

  3. Click Save.

  4. Check Custom Fields.


Note: A custom field template can be applied instead of checking each custom field. The templates available under Apply Template are created under Custom Field Template. Here are instructions to create a Custom Field Template.


In this example, the case manager custom field is included in the exp_client table for the export.



Selected Subforms


The custom subforms included in the custom subform table can be limited by following these instructions:


  1. Click Edit Custom Subforms.

  2. Check each custom subform to be included in the export.

  3. Click Save.

  4. Check Custom Subforms.


In this example the custom subforms Assessment and Hobbies are included in the custom subform table for the export.



The provider data export process includes an option to export a template excluding all client level data. To export a customized template for generating imports, follow these instructions:


  1. Check each table to be included in the template.

  2. Setup custom fields using the instructions from earlier.

  3. Click Export PDE Template.


In this example, the exported template includes the custom service field 1 Basic Needs Score.


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