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Patient medications are tracked in CAREWare for the Ryan White Services Report (RSR), Clinical Quality Management, and other program requirements. Providers track antiretroviral therapy (ART), opportunistic infection (OI) prophylaxis, and non-HIV medications.

  1. Update Medications in CAREWare
  2. How to Start Medications
  3. Stop a Medication for a Client
  4. Edit/Correct a Client's Medication in CAREWare
  5. Change a Medication Dose
  6. How ART is Reported for the RSR
  7. Medication Regimens

Update Medications in CAREWare

Medications are added to CAREWare and set as active before they can be used for client records. Medication lists are defined for each provider domain. Updating medications is an option in Central Administration or the provider domain.

CAREWare has a separate process for managing NDCs in ADAP domains.

How to Start Medications in CAREWare

1. In the client record, click on Medications in the left menu.

2. Click on All (Start, Stop, Change).


3. Click on Start.

View: View details of a medication record.

Start: Start a medication.

Start Regimen: Start a medication regimen.

Stop: Stop a medication.

Delete: Delete a medication record.

Back: Return to the Medications menu.

Print or Export: Print or Export a list of patient medications.

Hide/Show Columns: Select the columns to show in the medication list.


4. Enter the start date for the medication.



5. Select the medication name from the dropdown list.



NOTE: Additional fields appear after the medication is selected.



6. Complete the field for Units. For example, if the client takes 1 tablet with each dose, 1 is entered in the Units fields.



7. Choose the form of the medication from the dropdown box.



8. Complete the field for strength in milligrams.



9. Select the frequency from the dropdown box.



10. Select the indication from the dropdown box.



NOTE: Indication is required for reporting Prescribed ART on the RSR and PCP prophylaxis for HAB Performance Measures.


11. Select the OI from the dropdown list if the Indication is OI Prophylaxis or OI Treatment.



12. Click Save.



NOTE: MedICD10, Comment, and Instructions are optional fields.


The following medication fields complete the following questions in the RSR:


Date, Medication Name, Indication = Q.52 Client Prescribed ART


The following medication fields complete the following questions in the EHE Triannual Report:


Date, Medication Name, Indication = Prescribed ART in Reporting Period



Stop a Medication for a Client

1. Select the medication and click Stop.

2. Complete the End Date field.

3. Select the Discontinuation Reason from the dropdown box.

4. Check the box for the medication name.

5. Click Save.

Edit/Correct a Client's Medication in CAREWare

Data corrections and clinical modifications may require edits to existing medications in CAREWare.

1. Select the medication and click View.

2. Click Correct Data Error to change the information for the information.

3. Edit the Start Date, Medication Name, Units, Form, Frequency, Indication, End Date, Discontinuation Reason, and other fields.

4. Click Save.

Change a Medication Dose

1. Select the medication in the list and click View.

2. Click Change Dose.

3. Complete the fields for New Units, New Strength (in milligrams), and New Frequency.


4. Click Save.

How ART is Reported for the RSR

The RSR includes client-level data for Prescribed ART. CAREWare determines the value based on the active medications in the client record with an ART indication.

Medication Regimens

CAREWare medication regimens simplify data entry for clients on multiple HIV medications. The feature is also used for adding Genvoya or other tenofovir medications.

1. Click on Start Regimen in the client’s medication list.


2. Select the regimen and click Next.

3. Enter the Start Date and click Save.

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