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Welcome to the CAREWare FAQ Page
Provider Data Import
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The PDI (Provider Data Import) is the primary mechanism used to import data into CAREWare. It is designed to provide a flexible, robust interface that allows users with sufficient permissions to easily import data from various outside sources, including other instances of CAREWare, into their existing database.


When a new import is created, the PDI reads data from a specifically formatted file and stores this data in temporary holding tanks in CAREWare so that users can review it before client records are updated.  Once everything is verified as correct, the user can process the import. Feedback is provided on the process on the import queue and import details screens. There is also a reporting mechanism to give the user more information about any errors that may have occurred. These errors may appear in the Import History, under error details in the import details, or they are logged in the System Log.


The PDI is designed to process what data it can from an import and simply flag individual records as errors if there is a problem with those records. The PDI can also distinguish existing records from new ones to prevent duplicate records, even if the same file is imported multiple times.


Below are user guides for the Provider Data Import:


Automatically add NDCs using the PDI

Create PDI Files with attachments

Custom Field Templates

Importing Custom Data

Import History

Import Settings

Instructions for Data Bridge Using PDI PDE

New Import

PDI Automatic Imports



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